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QueryMainIRCPostBeginPlayQueryMainGeneralGetClientVoiceMessageStringReadBufferedLineQueryReconnect ResetBufferDoBufferQueueIOGetReporterClass QueryMain FullNameQueryMainMenu QueryStart QueryStop UBrowserQueryUWebResolve ResolvedResolveFailedOpenedClosed BindPortIpDrvMvReporterStats_DMUserInitChannel bFirstRun PreBeginPlay Password TeamMessageReceiveLocalizedMessage ircClear ircUnderline ircColorAdminPasswordircBoldcolHighcolGold colGreencolBluecolRedcolBodycolHeadcolTimecolGen teamGold teamGreen teamBlueteamRed Password2 UserName2 NickName2bSecondaryLink AuthPassword AuthName ServerAddr bAdvertise bPublicComssBuild sVersionClientVoiceMessageTaunt GetItemNameCheckIPPolicyAntiFloodDelay bEnabledMvReporterWebMvReporterStats_DOMFailAuthenticationMvReporterStats_CTFMvReporterStats_TDMMvReporterStats_BTCheckGameOverMvReporterStats_1on1MvReporterStatsMvReporterSpectatorMvReporterMutator_1on1MvReporterMutator UsernameMvReporterIRCLink2MvReporterIRCLinkMvReporterImageServerMvReporterConfig 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CP@CC@CCmCCnCCkCC@CCNCCOCCgCC{@CC[CCv@CCVCCyCC^@CCCCwCCuCC@CCOCCL@CC2$jfzV,BT-zV,CTF-BT-,{VBotPack.CTFGame-z'MvReporter2: Stats Actor Initialized Cb@CCdCCCCBCC@CCFCC`CC] CCC @CCI@CC@CCL@CCt@CC@CCb !R$>6pGame has ended!; Cr@CCFCCCCE@CC@CC]P  p52 CWCC@CCCCJ@CCS @CC[CCHCCXCCY 'yA- >-+h-@ WW-+ #% -I'-I(pMavericks IRC Reporter 0w'pp*** kR-f-K$ %! %$RR ,< %$?#?l?% % #%pp*** k?#?m?% #% %-#a?#?n?% #% %a-- -^-^'!##%#, CG CCvCCUCCB @CC`CCLCCu CCdCCss 3= ChC CjCCCCc @CCZ @CCCClCCf@CCJCCCCir( CqX;{!)O 'p** Final Player Status:'-FppppppppppppName, | Login, | Frags,  | Death,  | Ping,  | PL,  |'ppppppppppName, | Frags,  | Death,  | Ping,  | PL,  |'X%CX, /X r/*99/-/-Y (Bot) Y-Fppppppppppppppppppppppp> p/Y, |  U!pgetlogin /, |  SD/,  |  SD/,  |  S/,  |  pR/%,  |'9pppppppppppppppppppp> p/Y, |  SD/,  |  SD/,  |  S/,  |  pR/%,  |'X ' C[ 87 Cp@CCPCCrX <R0pppppppppppCurrently Playing:   ( ) on   CuCCwCC@CCZW [,2;D[pp*** Detailed Game Information for :P[ppp>> Timelimit / Fraglimit: S  / S  %6[p>> Time Remaining:  94[p>> Elapsed Time:   CmCC@@CCO @CCC@CCGN .3E CE @CCpQ H8HHpp*** Player List for :]%/a0 A_dA]%dpd, -Fdppppppdd - Login: U!pgetlogin d (SDd)Wdppppdd (SDd)]10]%dNo players on server!Hp>> d C{CCB @CCBCC@CCCC}=. 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BPUBLICSAY  zTrue-q'  zFalse z-q( Applied. b|',GET '',' {ADMINPASSWORD s SERVERADDR { SERVERPORT Sh ANTIFLOODDELAY Uc :CHANNEL " gNICKNAME H NICKNAME2 T USERNAME M USERNAME2 @ PASSWORD ` KPASSWORD2 j xAUTHNAME l AUTHPASSWORD m PERFORM1 k PERFORM2 i 0PERFORM3 g `BUSELOGIN T-: BUSEAUTH T-` BSECONDARYLINK T-  TEAMRED a TEAMBLUE o KTEAMGREEN ] xTEAMGOLD \ BEXTRA1ON1STATS T-Q BPUBLICSAY T-q  CV@CCRTERROR :Closing Link8RWR ,iR:!,kR! ,|R}TTpMvReporter2: Secondary Link - R:,'-@(9&apA(zR &ERRORpMvReporter2: Secondary Link - R:,'nzW433^pTSsppNICK ^s zW4749a A(zWKICKzR ,^" CPE "Yq}PO&GOq=zPO& GOPO& Cq@CCHA-TpMvReporter2: Secondary Link - Joining Channel: "ppJOIN "-`ppppPRIVMSG Q@cserve.quakenet.org :AUTH l mMvReporter2: Secondary Link - Successfully logged in to IRC Network!I{kpky{ipi{gpg9,a@( &CCiTa#`*zE  p** Game Details:ppppppppp>> Timelimit / Scorelimit:  S  mins / S  nzE ppppppp>> Friendly Fire / Weaponstay:  SD.?,d% / T.- %appTime Remaining:   L %aThis Game will never end, because Timelimit and Scorelimit are zero!appElapsed Time:   pp>> azE   Ce} G}e ,Jze,PING ppPONG e,ze &ERRORpMvReporter2: Secondary Link - e:,'z}433^pTSsppNICK ^s z}451G-KMvReporter2 Debug: Secondary Link - sending USER and NICKppNICK ^ppppUSER V 0 * :p z}NICKKe~@,|KVKe:,'^K:J}%MvReporter2: Secondary Link - Switching state to 'LoggedIn'q!-8e CVV<ca< 6 Z%<6*3Q ,* <6*3Q a< r3*V*W:* V3W:3h6w3* w**:3:*V<6*3Q}h<6*3Q/~h was slimed."~h was incinerated.V<6*3Q}Vpppp=WVJhas died !{VaL=(a@@' a< 6 %ppA<6*3Q New Score:  T,ppA<6*3Q ,-e'g*p<6*3Q p<6*3Q6%{pppppppppppA**JAhas captured the flag !J (Best Time: "D*) New Score:   CIF*~6-:ppPASS jppppUSER V 0 * :pppNICK T &CCJet =MvReporter2: Secondary Link - Lost connection to server CKdl NMvReporter2: Secondary Link - Link to IRC Server opened...u!q!* CPceAMvReporter2: Secondary Link - Failed to resolve IRC server! CBNH#]M}Nt&GtM=zNt& GtNMt CM@CCO@CCh@CCx dbV6[6dff%MvReporter2: SecondaryLink - Failed to resolve IRC server port! MvReporter2: SecondaryLink - Successfully resolved Server IP Address...A[ Cbr> Brga/!j.rppp.BB.Jhas picked upi ThighPads.7ga/!i.qppp.BB.Jhas picked up aniEArmor.ga/!q.rppp.BB.Jhas picked upiJumpboots.^ga/!t.uppp.BB.Jhas picked up ailShieldbelt.ga/!k.uppp.BB.Jhas picked up ailHealthPack.w*>rg_ CNG!vMpGame has ended!** Final Score Information:' CORbM** Current Score: o%o, mro *o -bo rN*Nb-zNbNb-zNbNbY.bwY*ppppp>> b has the :Y) flag!o!K-zN?%pppppppp>> N has the best CapTime - "DN ! Cr\n;28 'p** Final Player Status:'-FppppppppppppName, | Login, | n,  | Death,  | Ping,  | PL,  |'ppppppppppName, | n,  | Death,  | Ping,  | PL,  |'!%!.n%n, n r*-:!I-c (Bot)Qc$-Fppppppppppppppppppppppp> pc, |  U!pgetlogin , | SD,  |  SD,  |  S,  |  pR%,  |'pppppppppppppppppppp> pc, | SD,  |  SD,  |  S,  |  pR%,  |'!h!e:n! ,4-'!%6!.!h!h!.!e!e!.pppppppppppppppppppppp> =!!), | , | =!SD!.,  |  ---,  |  S!h,  |  pS!e%,  |'! 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CrX8DT]D?@&?, R]U@kX@]WW&,  CJCC@CCtqC8&a@( CCC{R(xC'%-+ppQUIT :R Czmx -z -z'a 1bpp[Mv] Mavericks IRC Reporter vw loading...J CuZJ86qr*a FrW*- Wa r*rW*- MvReporter2: Error Spawning IRC Link Class!  -[MvReporter2: Starting Connection Process...  - W BrB*Ba & Da GZwZ*~VZMvReporterMutatorZZy.GZyQyy>yMWBIW Cve %)a&)o,)],)\ Cw1mr 9,p.r,p. , p. V,Vp.V,p.Vq,qp.qY,Yp.YE,Ep.El,lp.lb Ci|l#Qpp*** kl%l, |l ^r|*|-wx*q|x|l*rx*{--Dnobody{SDxDxrq*z--Bnobody@zSDqBq>-Fpppppppppppppppppppp>> Current Score:54 D - Login: Upgetlogin D {5:512--z B - Login: Upgetlogin Bpppppppppppppppp>> Current Score:54 D {5:512--z B C@CCOB53-+8ppppNOTICE O :P Cvz<ppppppppPlaying 1on1 on  , Server:   C@ @CCV`C@aC A Z%CA=;L ,* CA=;L aC z=~`CA=;LaC ~=L;KA`CA=;L-bJr;*z=a#z;a w;*-b(`/A=; aC A l%ppACA=;L New Score:  ,-b'a=@pCA=;L@ pCA=;L  CA E@BVT-1(-+8ppppPRIVMSG " :E CD CCJ DxA64-+4zD&#ppJOIN D CCC]CCCCF @CC@CCN~!g#MpGame has ended!** Final Score Information:' COG _r&** Current Score: L%>L, _L Ur_*4nrX*X_X_X_4_-c._4wc*ppppp>> _ has the :c) flag!L!pppppppp>> X is in the lead with SDX frags! CwCCL ~ f@Qz~s'OC*** Error: Wrong password provided.( C@CCT H^V??7{H~: H&HH&H CH } 0ppppppppppppp}$%) SD%.5:$--SD&. &) CR CCCCM |=-@ -@p|-@%1.C%'C, |C r|*|-:||-F|G:|Cm@ppppppppppTeam-Name, | n,  | Ping,  | PL,  | PPL,  |-@%#.FF.GG.pppppppppppppppppppp> =), | =SD.,  |  SF,  |  pSG%,  |  S.,  |-@;-@ -@ Cjz\54K\pp*** Spectator List for :w%/a0 bZYb-w.b*!-Fk\ppp> b - Login: U*pgetlogin bR(\p> bw10w%#\>> No specs on server! CY @CCI@CCU Cqp"% I ,( |IY& I ,(, I ,'|% say|% msg & 0pp (IRC): , |% mutate & n, |% teamred & a, b0ppChanged Team Name of 'red' to ', '!:|% teamblue: & o, b0ppChanged Team Name of 'blue' to ', '!|% teamgreen & ], b0ppChanged Team Name of 'green' to ', '!p|% teamgoldp & \, b0ppChanged Team Name of 'gold' to ', '!_|% teamsreset_ & aRed TeamoBlue Team]Green Team\Gold Teamb0All Team Names have been reset to standard values!|% mute & -1Ppppp*** Output has been muted by -1-1b-1Spppp*** Output has been un-muted by |% pubcoms & '-7\pppp*** Public Commands have been enabled by -7-7b-7]pppp*** Public Commands have been disabled by f|% nickf & pChanging Reporter's Nick to: , H, bppNICK , )|% channel) & pSwitching Channel to: , , , ppPART "", b|% server & pSwitching IRC-Server to: , {, bpChanging IRC-Server to , { |% pwd{  & , I ,(pChanging Admin Password to: , s, b |% op  & ppppMODE " +o :ppOped you on "... |% voice  & ppppMODE " +v :ppVoiced you on "...F |% servertravelF  & pTravelling to: , 0pppp***  switches map to ,  from IRC@pservertravel ,  |% kick|% kickban  & d%E wE* w.E*wE*w..E* |, EI |% kickbanc.EI  Qccc~c:pAdding IP Ban for: c]% ],2 z] ]  ],2]pDENY,cbpBanning IP: cpKicking player: , Ead&EE  d%ppSorry, couldn't find ,  on server!|I"-1-7& I ,'% |!map0B% 4 !gameinfo0B% , !specs !spectators0B% 5 -!players0B%  !sayk-q0pp (IRC): & Sorry, this function is disabled on this server.  CV '=3p8, B-:ppPASS `MvReporter2: Sent PASS8, a?( 8, ppppUSER O 0 * :~MvReporter2: Sent USER8, a?(  8, ppNICK HMvReporter2: Sent NICK48,-+'O8&088%-+" C^ e4f0-KpMvReporter2 Debug: edze,PING ppPONG e, CUvy41~sypppppCurrently Reporting:  ( ) on  C@CCZ CCCC] CCVKmQjam w Z%mwvnN ,* mwvnN am zvLKmwvnNam LvtnpwKmwvnN/wvn am g%h%eh,[wh.@*g%uppu  - Wrh.@.NH[D]gHDih.@wi*uppppu=iHh.@DTuppppu=,Hh.@DghppControl Points Updated: u C` CC_ oVlo?&PlFlP.- Fc?,FcBWTJJ Cf Qv! 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Cn cj- 0MvReporter2: Failed to resolve IRC server! Cy $A#F0pThis match is being broadcasted to: "-f' Co ibZ6p6iVf%MvReporter2: Failed to resolve IRC server port! MvReporter2: Successfully resolved Server IP Address...Ap Cx OC&(Reporter quit!-+(? Cq CCCCe_ed C~ CCfCCv @CCw @CC@CC+g/90gh-+(YH~ppp0w (Build 0|)V6-:OMOmvrj%j,OpO쒧, ,0jpMvReporter2: Created new UserIdent: O6pha{ CL t /CfrB*Cy,ppf was looking good, until he killed himself!Cy%@B@y,pppppB's Killing Spree was ended by f!@y%Cy&Cy ,ppf is on a Killing Spree! , ppf is on a Rampage! ,ppf is Dominating! H,ppf is Unstoppable! ,ppf is Godlike!  Cj Cz mXh/ a0 medzVmMvReporter2.MvReporterm10 ClCC{ 2_+MXkr*4OERROR : [Mv] Reporter Class not found! |2mvr|2s4VMvr Admin 4!BugAddressrush@u.one.pl2&  "rootL24K >menuM24K ZmainY24K {main_menu[24K start\24K stop]24K reconnectU24K generalR24K ircP24K +teamK24K HcolorN24K  CE CCQ@CC} A L[\qMenuURImenuqMainURImainqmvr_root.uhtm CqCC @CC@ D Md wwAdminURIServerAdminwReporterURIrootwmvr_menu.uhtmw CwCCI CCC _Yq; S_PagegeneralvIndexURImain_menuvMainURISvmvr_main.uhtmv CR@CCX a':QQ 7ak CCCF \[~ ~V\PageircX%GeneralURImain?Page=generalXIRCURImain?Page=ircXTeamURImain?Page=teamX!ColorURImain?Page=colorX!StartURImain?Page=startXStopURImain?Page=stopX)ReconnectURImain?Page=reconnectXmvr_main_menu.uhtmX Cf\AW)}\Ip\I,...O}\I\pY\)\  CTX +WwH*EHHpppHEJJwI*DIIpppIDJJRppJXZ[HI^wH*HE#wI*IDR C@CCJ O \D[-[u=MessageThe bot is already running. Nothing to do...u;MessageStarting [Mv] Reporter Bot, please wait...-['bumvr_message.uhtmuB- W CuCCM CCN R ] ,v-[t;MessageStopping [Mv] Reporter Bot, please wait...-[(bt9MessageThe bot is not running. Nothing to do...tmvr_message.uhtmt*- W CtCC@CCQ U U({-[r]MessageThe [Mv] Reporter Bot will reconnect to IRC in 5 seconds. Please stand by...rWMessageThe bot is not running, can not reconnect. Please start the bot first.rmvr_message.uhtmr-[0[Mv] Reporter - http://www.mvreporter.de- W0[Mv] Reporter - http://www.mvreporter.de CrCCK rJW)}rNprN,...O}rNrprk)r  CT IR SrI#AdminPasswordsLAdminPasswordrfI#bPublicComsT-7bIbMutedT-1_I"bAdvertiseT-KmIbDebugT-KG-[LstatusrunninggLstatusstopped/{IApplysr &fIbPublicComsfalse|fTRUE-7'-7(bIbMutedfalse\|bTRUE-1'm-1(_IbAdvertisefalse|_TRUE-K'-K(mIbDebugfalse|mTRUE-K'#-K(bd|fTRUELbPublicComschecked|bTRUELbMutedchecked|_TRUELbAdvertisechecked|mTRUELbDebugcheckedLPostActiongeneralLmvr_main_general.uhtmL C^ bN{%%3b`UW C\ OizO I %Lpp[ ]mLpp[ ]-cKOKppppVL5 O K C@CCV GWWCD?G?,<BD?G?,<ppSC,0:SB,0 CfVQ3 vPSQxwut}P%ppppQQ:  P CC@CCd Dp*%DB{ml CW P< z ServerAddr{ServerAddrz|!ServerPortShServerPort|}Channel"Channel}NickNameHNickNamesbUseLogintUserNameMUserNametuPassword`PassworduvbUseAuthxAuthNamelAuthNamexy"AuthPasswordmAuthPasswordyGbSecondaryLinkMNickName2TNickName2MRUserName2@UserName2RSPassword2jPassword2SUbExtra1on1StatsXbPublicSayAPerform1kPerform1ACPerform2iPerform2CFPerform3gPerform3F {Apply{z &hJ| &"} &H &sbUseLoginfalsevbUseAuthfalseGbSecondaryLinkfalseUbExtra1on1StatsfalseXbPublicSayfalse|sTRUE-:'-:(Mt &`u &A|vTRUE-`'R-`(lx &my &|GTRUE- '- ( |UTRUE-Q'-Q(@|XTRUE-q'Q-q(TM &'@R &'jS &'kA &'iC &'gF &'b -`bUseAuthchecked -:bUseLoginchecked& - bSecondaryLinkcheckeda -Q bExtra1on1Statschecked -qbPublicSaycheckedPostActionircmvr_main_irc.uhtm C[ WSa $rW*rW*GaWJrG*u!n,p,.G f:aw{*,p,.G u{u!o,p,.G g:a&u!O,p,.G O:agu!p,p,.G O:a,u!m,p,.Gl:aDeathmatch,p,.G h:aGa, CCCa CCG@CCh To~&%.TMJ-F C@CCTCCf CCn uv Fv!CkuDw%*%=uv-V CGk J=.-^(TJ:&}T%xJ:,'Z%Z, zZ rz*zzTz--^'ppp T: xZZ -^pp* J~Jentered the game%TJ &Z%Z, zZ wz*zzTZy%Zd CRCC^2- .Ek<a@@' C@CC@CCnI"-{(nFfH`sPVs iDEATHMATCHPLUS EUTDEATHMATCHPLUS,s (-{'s _0 TEAMGAMEPLUS EUTTEAMGAMEPLUSs p0 CTFGAME SMARTCTFGAMEs a0 s _0S-Q-{ Da SRwR*~VRMvReporterMutator_1on1RRG.SRGbFGi%asr%*MvReporter2: Unable to spawn Stats Class!%F%hHFHFn wG*G..(%U- FFc?,{FFc%U%%%E%2 C@CCM////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterWeb expands WebApplication config; // Global Vars var MvReporter Controller; var MvReporterConfig conf; event Init() { Super.Init(); } // Search for our classes (main handler + config) function GetReporterClass() { local MvReporter lTemp; // Search all classes foreach Level.AllActors(class'MvReporter', lTemp) { if (String(lTemp.Class) == "MvReporter2.MvReporter") { Controller = lTemp; conf = Controller.conf; } } } // Main Entry Point event Query(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { // Search for our report3r GetReporterClass(); // If no Mod Found -> Error if (conf == none) { Response.SendText("ERROR : [Mv] Reporter Class not found!"); return; } // Check authentication: if (!((Request.Username ~= "mvr") && (Request.Password ~= conf.AdminPassword))) { Response.FailAuthentication("Mvr Admin"); return; } Response.Subst("BugAddress", "rush@u.one.pl"); switch (Mid(Request.URI, 1)) { case "": case "root": QueryRoot(Request, Response); break; case "menu": QueryMenu(Request, Response); break; case "main": QueryMain(Request, Response); break; case "main_menu": QueryMainMenu(Request, Response); break; case "start": QueryStart(Request, Response); break; case "stop": QueryStop(Request, Response); break; case "reconnect": QueryReconnect(Request, Response); break; case "general": QueryMainGeneral(Request, Response); break; case "irc": QueryMainIRC(Request, Response); break; case "team": QueryMainTeam(Request, Response); break; case "color": QueryMainColor(Request, Response); break; } } // Query the Root Document function QueryRoot(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { Response.Subst("MenuURI", "menu"); Response.Subst("MainURI", "main"); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_root.uhtm"); } // Query the upper menu function QueryMenu(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { Response.Subst("AdminURI", "ServerAdmin"); Response.Subst("ReporterURI", "root"); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_menu.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); } // Query the Main Document (Left Menu and Content -> Frameset) Document function QueryMain(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { local String Page; // if no page specified, use the default Page = Request.GetVariable("Page", "general"); Response.Subst("IndexURI", "main_menu"); Response.Subst("MainURI", Page); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_main.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); } // The Main Menu on the Left Site! function QueryMainMenu(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { local String Page; Page = Request.GetVariable("Page", "irc"); // Set URIs Response.Subst("GeneralURI", "main?Page=general"); Response.Subst("IRCURI", "main?Page=irc"); Response.Subst("TeamURI", "main?Page=team"); Response.Subst("ColorURI", "main?Page=color"); Response.Subst("StartURI", "main?Page=start"); Response.Subst("StopURI", "main?Page=stop"); Response.Subst("ReconnectURI", "main?Page=reconnect"); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_main_menu.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); } // Query Start Page (Message) function QueryStart(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { if (conf.bEnabled) Response.Subst("Message", "The bot is already running. Nothing to do..."); else { Response.Subst("Message", "Starting [Mv] Reporter Bot, please wait..."); conf.bEnabled = True; conf.SaveConfig(); } Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_message.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); Controller.IRCLink.Connect(Controller, conf); if(conf.bSecondaryLink) Controller.IRCLink2.Connect(Controller, conf); } // Query Stop Page (Message) function QueryStop(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { if (conf.bEnabled) { Response.Subst("Message", "Stopping [Mv] Reporter Bot, please wait..."); conf.bEnabled = False; conf.SaveConfig(); } else Response.Subst("Message", "The bot is not running. Nothing to do..."); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_message.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); Controller.IRCLink.Disconnect(); if(conf.bSecondaryLink) Controller.IRCLink2.Disconnect(); } // Query Reconnect Page (Message) function QueryReconnect(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { if (conf.bEnabled) Response.Subst("Message", "The [Mv] Reporter Bot will reconnect to IRC in 5 seconds. Please stand by..."); else Response.Subst("Message", "The bot is not running, can not reconnect. Please start the bot first."); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_message.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); if (conf.bEnabled) { Controller.IRCLink.RelaunchReporter("[Mv] Reporter - http://www.mvreporter.de"); if(conf.bSecondaryLink) Controller.IRCLink2.RelaunchReporter("[Mv] Reporter - http://www.mvreporter.de"); } } // Query General Setup! function QueryMainGeneral(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { local string bDebug, AdminPassword, bPublicComs, bMuted, bAdvertise; AdminPassword = Request.GetVariable("AdminPassword", conf.AdminPassword); Response.Subst("AdminPassword", AdminPassword); bPublicComs = Request.GetVariable("bPublicComs", string(conf.bPublicComs)); bMuted = Request.GetVariable("bMuted", string(conf.bMuted)); bAdvertise = Request.GetVariable("bAdvertise", string(conf.bAdvertise)); bDebug = Request.GetVariable("bDebug", string(conf.bDebug)); if (conf.bEnabled) Response.Subst("status", "running"); else Response.Subst("status", "stopped"); // If the Apply Button has been pushed... if (Request.GetVariable("Apply", "") != "") { conf.AdminPassword = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(AdminPassword, " ", 1); bPublicComs = Request.GetVariable("bPublicComs", "false"); if (bPublicComs ~= "TRUE") conf.bPublicComs = True; else conf.bPublicComs = False; bMuted = Request.GetVariable("bMuted", "false"); if (bMuted ~= "TRUE") conf.bMuted = True; else conf.bMuted = False; bAdvertise = Request.GetVariable("bAdvertise", "false"); if (bAdvertise ~= "TRUE") conf.bAdvertise = True; else conf.bAdvertise = False; bDebug = Request.GetVariable("bDebug", "false"); if (bDebug ~= "TRUE") conf.bDebug = True; else conf.bDebug = False; conf.SaveConfig(); } if (bPublicComs ~= "TRUE") Response.Subst("bPublicComs", "checked"); if (bMuted ~= "TRUE") Response.Subst("bMuted", "checked"); if (bAdvertise ~= "TRUE") Response.Subst("bAdvertise", "checked"); if (bDebug ~= "TRUE") Response.Subst("bDebug", "checked"); Response.Subst("PostAction", "general"); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_main_general.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); } // Query IRC Setup! function QueryMainIRC(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { local string bUseLogin, UserName, Password, bUseAuth, AuthName, AuthPassword, ServerAddr, ServerPort, Channel, Nickname, Perform1, Perform2, Perform3, bSecondaryLink, NickName2, UserName2, Password2, bExtra1on1Stats, bPublicSay; ServerAddr = Request.GetVariable("ServerAddr", conf.ServerAddr); Response.Subst("ServerAddr", ServerAddr); ServerPort = Request.GetVariable("ServerPort", string(conf.ServerPort)); Response.Subst("ServerPort", ServerPort); Channel = Request.GetVariable("Channel", conf.Channel); Response.Subst("Channel", Channel); NickName = Request.GetVariable("NickName", conf.NickName); Response.Subst("NickName", NickName); bUseLogin = Request.GetVariable("bUseLogin"); UserName = Request.GetVariable("UserName", conf.UserName); Response.Subst("UserName", UserName); Password = Request.GetVariable("Password", conf.Password); Response.Subst("Password", Password); bUseAuth = Request.GetVariable("bUseAuth"); AuthName = Request.GetVariable("AuthName", conf.AuthName); Response.Subst("AuthName", AuthName); AuthPassword = Request.GetVariable("AuthPassword", conf.AuthPassword); Response.Subst("AuthPassword", AuthPassword); bSecondaryLink = Request.GetVariable("bSecondaryLink"); NickName2 = Request.GetVariable("NickName2", conf.NickName2); Response.Subst("NickName2", NickName2); UserName2 = Request.GetVariable("UserName2", conf.UserName2); Response.Subst("UserName2", UserName2); Password2 = Request.GetVariable("Password2", conf.Password2); Response.Subst("Password2", Password2); bExtra1on1Stats = Request.GetVariable("bExtra1on1Stats"); bPublicSay = Request.GetVariable("bPublicSay"); Perform1 = Request.GetVariable("Perform1", conf.Perform1); Response.Subst("Perform1", Perform1); Perform2 = Request.GetVariable("Perform2", conf.Perform2); Response.Subst("Perform2", Perform2); Perform3 = Request.GetVariable("Perform3", conf.Perform3); Response.Subst("Perform3", Perform3); // If the Apply Button has been pushed... if (Request.GetVariable("Apply", "") != "") { conf.ServerAddr = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(ServerAddr, " ", 1); conf.ServerPort = int(Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(ServerPort, " ", 1)); conf.Channel = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(Channel, " ", 1); conf.NickName = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(NickName, " ", 1); bUseLogin = Request.GetVariable("bUseLogin", "false"); bUseAuth = Request.GetVariable("bUseAuth", "false"); bSecondaryLink = Request.GetVariable("bSecondaryLink", "false"); bExtra1on1Stats = Request.GetVariable("bExtra1on1Stats", "false"); bPublicSay = Request.GetVariable("bPublicSay", "false"); if (bUseLogin ~= "TRUE") conf.bUseLogin = True; else conf.bUseLogin = False; conf.UserName = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(UserName, " ", 1); conf.Password = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(Password, " ", 1); if (bUseAuth ~= "TRUE") conf.bUseAuth = True; else conf.bUseAuth = False; conf.AuthName = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(AuthName, " ", 1); conf.AuthPassword = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(AuthPassword, " ", 1); if (bSecondaryLink ~= "TRUE") conf.bSecondaryLink = True; else conf.bSecondaryLink = False; if (bExtra1on1Stats ~= "TRUE") conf.bExtra1on1Stats = True; else conf.bExtra1on1Stats = False; if (bPublicSay ~= "TRUE") conf.bPublicSay = True; else conf.bPublicSay = False; conf.NickName2 = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(NickName2, " ", 1, TRUE); conf.UserName2 = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(UserName2, " ", 1, TRUE); conf.Password2 = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(Password2, " ", 1, TRUE); conf.Perform1 = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(Perform1, " ", 1, TRUE); conf.Perform2 = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(Perform2, " ", 1, TRUE); conf.Perform3 = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(Perform3, " ", 1, TRUE); // Save! conf.SaveConfig(); } if (conf.bUseAuth) Response.Subst("bUseAuth", "checked"); if (conf.bUseLogin) Response.Subst("bUseLogin", "checked"); if (conf.bSecondaryLink) Response.Subst("bSecondaryLink", "checked"); if (conf.bExtra1on1Stats) Response.Subst("bExtra1on1Stats", "checked"); if (conf.bPublicSay) Response.Subst("bPublicSay", "checked"); Response.Subst("PostAction", "irc"); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_main_irc.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); } // Query Teams Setup! function QueryMainTeam(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { local string teamRed, teamBlue, teamGreen, teamGold; teamRed = Request.GetVariable("teamRed", conf.teamRed); Response.Subst("teamRed", teamRed); teamBlue = Request.GetVariable("teamBlue", conf.teamBlue); Response.Subst("teamBlue", teamBlue); teamGreen = Request.GetVariable("teamGreen", conf.teamGreen); Response.Subst("teamGreen", teamGreen); teamGold = Request.GetVariable("teamGold", conf.teamGold); Response.Subst("teamGold", teamGold); Response.Subst("PostAction", "team"); // If the Apply Button has been pushed... if (Request.GetVariable("Apply", "") == "Apply") { conf.teamRed = teamRed; conf.teamBlue = teamBlue; conf.teamGreen = teamGreen; conf.teamGold = teamGold; // Save! conf.SaveConfig(); Controller.LoadTeamNames(); } // If reset has been pushed if (Request.GetVariable("Apply", "") == "Reset All Teams") { conf.teamRed = "Red Team"; conf.teamBlue = "Blue Team"; conf.teamGreen = "Green Team"; conf.teamGold = "Gold Team"; conf.SaveConfig(); Controller.LoadTeamNames(); Response.Subst("Message", "All Team Names have been reset to standard values!"); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_message.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); return; } Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_main_team.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); } // Query Color Setup! function QueryMainColor(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { local string colGen, colTime, colHead, colBody, colHigh; local string colRed, colBlue, colGreen, colGold; colGen = Request.GetVariable("colGen", conf.colGen); Response.Subst("colGen", colGen); colTime = Request.GetVariable("colTime", conf.colTime); Response.Subst("colTime", colTime); colHead = Request.GetVariable("colHead", conf.colHead); Response.Subst("colHead", colHead); colBody = Request.GetVariable("colBody", conf.colBody); Response.Subst("colBody", colBody); colHigh = Request.GetVariable("colHigh", conf.colHigh); Response.Subst("colHigh", colHigh); colRed = Request.GetVariable("colRed", conf.colRed); Response.Subst("colRed", colRed); colBlue = Request.GetVariable("colBlue", conf.colBlue); Response.Subst("colBlue", colBlue); colGreen = Request.GetVariable("colGreen", conf.colGreen); Response.Subst("colGreen", colGreen); colGold = Request.GetVariable("colGold", conf.colGold); Response.Subst("colGold", colGold); // If the Apply Button has been pushed... if (Request.GetVariable("Apply", "") != "") { conf.colGen = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(colGen, " ", 1); conf.colTime = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(colTime, " ", 1); conf.colHead = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(colHead, " ", 1); conf.colBody = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(colBody, " ", 1); conf.colHigh = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(colHigh, " ", 1); conf.colRed = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(colRed, " ", 1); conf.colBlue = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(colBlue, " ", 1); conf.colGreen = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(colGreen, " ", 1); conf.colGold = Controller.IRCLink.ParseDelimited(colGold, " ", 1); // Save! Controller.CheckIRCColors(); } Response.Subst("PostAction", "team"); Response.IncludeUHTM("mvr_main_color.uhtm"); Response.ClearSubst(); } p | T}q m xDw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgK ,4vg $~ $~ $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~ $~Dwwwww ,4vgDwwwww ,4vg $~ $~ $~ $~ $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw $~DDw $~Dw $~DDw $~Dw $~DDw $~Dw $~Dw $~DDDw $~Dw $~Dw $~Dw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKDDDDDwww ,4vgKw ,4vgKwww ,4vgKw ,4vgKwwwwwww ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKw ,4vgKww $~w $~w $~w $~w $~ $~ $~ $~Dw $~DwDwDwDww $~ $~Dw ,4vgKDwwDwwDwwDwww $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~w $~ $~ $~ $~w ,4vgKw ,4vg ᘗw $~ww $~ $~ $~ ,4vgKw ,4vg ᘗw $~ $~ww $~ $~ ,4vgKw ,4vg ᘗD $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~D $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~ $~DDw $~ $~D ,4vg ,4vg ` CC[////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterStats_TDM extends MvReporterStats_DM; var string sScoreStr; // Override GetTeamColor Function function string GetTeamColor(byte iTeam) { // Do a switch and return the proper color switch (iTeam) { case 0: return conf.colRed; case 1: return conf.colBlue; case 2: return conf.colGreen; case 3: return conf.colGold; default: return conf.colBody; } } // Override InTeamMessage Function function InTeamMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string S, name Type, optional bool bBeep ) { SendIRCMessage(GetTeamColor(PRI.Team) $ PRI.PlayerName $ ": " $ conf.colBody $ S); } // Post Player Statistics (overridden) function PostPlayerStats() { local int i, iT; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI; local int iPingsArray[4], iPLArray[4]; local string sBot; SendIRCMessage(" ", TRUE); SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$"** Final Player Status:", TRUE); if(Link.bUTGLEnabled) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$PostPad("Name", 22, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad("Login", 15, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad(sScoreStr, 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Death", 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Ping", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PL", 4, " ") $ " |", TRUE); else SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$PostPad("Name", 22, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad(sScoreStr, 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Death", 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Ping", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PL", 4, " ") $ " |", TRUE); // The outer loop will go through all teams (so that output will be kinda sorted by teams) // The inner loop will go thourgh all players of the specific team for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if(lPRI==None) continue; if (!lPRI.bIsSpectator && lPRI.Team == iT) { if (lPRI.bIsABot) sBot = " (Bot)"; else sBot = ""; if(Link.bUTGLEnabled) SendIRCMessage("> "$GetTeamColor(lPRI.Team)$PostPad(lPRI.PlayerName $ sBot, 20, " ") $ conf.colHead $ "| " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(Spec.ServerMutate("getlogin "$lPRI.PlayerName), 15, " ") $ "| " $ GetTeamColor(lPRI.Team) $ PrePad(string(int(lPRI.Score)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(int(lPRI.Deaths)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(lPRI.Ping), 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(lPRI.PacketLoss)$"%", 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " |", TRUE); else SendIRCMessage("> "$GetTeamColor(lPRI.Team)$PostPad(lPRI.PlayerName $ sBot, 20, " ") $ conf.colHead $ "| " $ GetTeamColor(lPRI.Team) $ PrePad(string(int(lPRI.Score)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(int(lPRI.Deaths)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(lPRI.Ping), 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(lPRI.PacketLoss)$"%", 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " |", TRUE); iPingsArray[iT] += lPRI.Ping; iPLArray[iT] += lPRI.PacketLoss; } } } SendIRCMessage(PostPad(" ", 52, "-"), TRUE); // Now spamm out the Team Scores! for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { iPingsArray[iT] = iPingsArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; iPLArray[iT] = iPLArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; SendIRCMessage("> "$GetTeamColor(iT)$PostPad(conf.sTeams[iT], 20, " ") $ conf.colHead $ "| " $ PrePad("",15, " ") $ "| " $ GetTeamColor(iT) $ PrePad(string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Score)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad("---", 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPingsArray[iT]), 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPLArray[iT])$"%", 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " |", TRUE); } } // Detailed Game Information (overridden) function OnGameDetails() { local string sTimeMsg; // Post Stuff if (GRI.GameName == class'TeamGamePlus'.Default.GameName) SendIRCMessage(" "); SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$"** Game Details:"); SendIRCMessage(">> "$conf.colHead$"Timelimit / Scorelimit:" $conf.colBody$" "$TGRI.TimeLimit $ " mins / " $ TGRI.GoalTeamScore $ " " $ sScoreStr); if (GRI.GameName == class'TeamGamePlus'.Default.GameName) SendIRCMessage(">> "$conf.colHead$"Friendly Fire / Weaponstay:" $conf.colBody$" "$string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).FriendlyFireScale * 100))$"% / "$string(DeathMatchPlus(Level.Game).bMultiWeaponStay)); // Post remaining / elapsed time! if (TGRI.TimeLimit > 0) sTimeMsg = "Time Remaining: " $ conf.colBody $ GetStrTime(TGRI.RemainingTime); else if (TGRI.GoalTeamScore == 0) sTimeMsg = "This Game will never end, because Timelimit and Scorelimit are zero!"; else sTimeMsg = "Elapsed Time: " $ conf.colBody $ GetStrTime(TGRI.ElapsedTime); SendIRCMessage(">> "$conf.colHead$sTimeMsg); if (GRI.GameName == class'TeamGamePlus'.Default.GameName) SendIRCMessage(" "); } // Detailed Score Information (overridden) function OnScoreDetails() { local int i, iT; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI, bestPRI; local int iPingsArray[4], iPLArray[4]; // Head SendIRCMessage(" "); SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$"** Team Status Information:"); // Get the best PRI and save Ping & PL 4 ScoreBoard for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if(lPRI == None) continue; if (!lPRI.bIsSpectator && lPRI.Team == iT) { iPingsArray[iT] += lPRI.Ping; iPLArray[iT] += lPRI.PacketLoss; if(bestPRI == None) bestPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; else if(bestPRI.Score <= lPRI.Score) bestPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; } } } // Spamm out our stuff :) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$PostPad("Team-Name", 22, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad(sScoreStr, 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Ping", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PL", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PPL", 3, " ") $ " |"); for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { iPingsArray[iT] = iPingsArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; iPLArray[iT] = iPLArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; SendIRCMessage("> "$GetTeamColor(iT)$PostPad(conf.sTeams[iT], 20, " ") $ conf.colHead $ "| " $ GetTeamColor(iT) $ PrePad(string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Score)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPingsArray[iT]), 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPLArray[iT])$"%", 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size, 3, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " |"); } SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$"Best Player is"$GetTeamColor(bestPRI.Team)$" "$bestPRI.PlayerName$conf.colHead$" with"$conf.colHigh$" "$string(int(bestPRI.Score))$conf.colHead$" Frags!"); SendIRCMessage(" "); } // Override Query Score Function (to broadcast Scoreboard) function QueryScore(string sNick) { local int i, iT; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI, bestPRI; local int iPingsArray[4], iPLArray[4]; // Save Ping & PL 4 ScoreBoard for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if(lPRI == None) continue; if (!lPRI.bIsSpectator && lPRI.Team == iT) { iPingsArray[iT] += lPRI.Ping; iPLArray[iT] += lPRI.PacketLoss; } } } // Spamm out our stuff :) Link.SendNotice(sNick, PostPad("Team-Name", 22, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad(sScoreStr, 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Ping", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PL", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PPL", 3, " ") $ " |"); for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { iPingsArray[iT] = iPingsArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; iPLArray[iT] = iPLArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">"$GetTeamColor(iT)$" "$PostPad(conf.sTeams[iT], 20, " ")$ ircColor $ "| " $ PrePad(string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Score)), 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad(string(iPingsArray[iT]), 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad(string(iPLArray[iT])$"%", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size, 3, " ") $ " |"); } } // Override QueryPlayers function to provide team based colors function QueryPlayers(string sNick) { local int i, iT, iNum, iAll; local string sMessage; local TournamentPlayer lPlr; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI; Link.SendNotice(sNick, "*** Player List for "$Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName$":"); iAll = 0; for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { iNum = 0; sMessage = ""; foreach AllActors(class'TournamentPlayer', lPlr) { lPRI = lPlr.PlayerReplicationInfo; if (lPRI.Team == iT) { if (iNum > 0) sMessage = sMessage$", "; else sMessage = conf.colHead$conf.sTeams[iT]$": "$ircColor; if(Link.bUTGLEnabled) sMessage = sMessage $ GetTeamColor(iT) $ ircBold $ ircBold $ lPRI.PlayerName $ " - Login: "$ Spec.ServerMutate("getlogin "$lPRI.PlayerName) $ conf.colBody $ " ("$string(int(lPRI.Score))$")"; else sMessage = sMessage $ GetTeamColor(iT) $ ircBold $ ircBold $ lPRI.PlayerName $ conf.colBody $ " ("$string(int(lPRI.Score))$")"; iNum++; iAll++; } } if (iNum > 0) Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> "$sMessage); } if (iAll == 0) Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> No players on server!"); } CZN////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterStats_DOM expands MvReporterStats_TDM; var string lastMessage, lastKiller, lastVictim; var int lastSwitch; // Override InLocalizedMessage Function function InLocalizedMessage( class Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { local string sHigh, Player_1, Player_2, sMessage, slt, sgt; local int i, iNum; local TeamInfo lTI; sHigh = ""; // *** SUDDEN DEATH / TEAM CHANGE *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.DeathMatchMessage')) { switch(Switch) { // Overtime :) case 0: SendIRCMessage(GetColoredMessage("", conf.colHigh, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); return; // Team Change case 3: SendIRCMessage(GetColoredMessage("* ", conf.colGen, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); return; } } // *** FIRST BLOOD MESSAGE *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.FirstBloodMessage')) { if (RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName == lastKiller) SendIRCMessage(lastMessage); SendIRCMessage(GetColoredMessage("", conf.colHigh, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); } // *** FRAG Messages *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.DeathMessagePlus')) { // Save our message (maybe we need it l8er) lastKiller = RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName; lastVictim = RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName; lastSwitch = Switch; lastMessage = GetColoredMessage("", conf.colHead, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); // Killing Spree ? ProcessKillingSpree(Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2); return; } // *** CONTROL POINT Messages *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'ControlPointMessage')) { iNum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (Domination(Level.Game).ControlPoints[i] != none) { if (iNum > 0) sMessage = sMessage $ conf.colBody $ " - "; if (Domination(Level.Game).ControlPoints[i] == ControlPoint(OptionalObject)) { slt = "["; sgt = "]"; } else { slt = ""; sgt = ""; } lTI = Domination(Level.Game).ControlPoints[i].ControllingTeam; if (lTI != none) sMessage = sMessage $ GetTeamColor(lTI.TeamIndex) $ slt $ Domination(Level.Game).ControlPoints[i].PointName $ sgt; else sMessage = sMessage $ GetTeamColor(255) $ slt $ Domination(Level.Game).ControlPoints[i].PointName $ sgt; iNum++; } } SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$"Control Points Updated: "$sMessage); } } // Detailed Score Information (overridden) function OnScoreDetails() { local int i, iT; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI, bestPRI; local int iPingsArray[4], iPLArray[4]; SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$"** Team Status Information:"); // Get the best PRI and save Ping & PL 4 ScoreBoard for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if( lPRI == None) continue; if (!lPRI.bIsSpectator && lPRI.Team == iT) { iPingsArray[iT] += lPRI.Ping; iPLArray[iT] += lPRI.PacketLoss; if( bestPRI == None) bestPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; else if (bestPRI.Score <= lPRI.Score) bestPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; } } } // Spamm out our stuff :) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$PostPad("Team-Name", 22, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad(sScoreStr, 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Ping", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PL", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PPL", 3, " ") $ " |"); for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { iPingsArray[iT] = iPingsArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; iPLArray[iT] = iPLArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; SendIRCMessage(">> "$GetTeamColor(iT)$PostPad(conf.sTeams[iT], 20, " ") $ conf.colHead $ "| " $ GetTeamColor(iT) $ PrePad(string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Score)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPingsArray[iT]), 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPLArray[iT])$"%", 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size, 3, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " |"); } SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$"Best Player is"$GetTeamColor(bestPRI.Team)$" "$bestPRI.PlayerName$conf.colHead$" with"$conf.colHigh$" "$string(int(bestPRI.Score))$conf.colHead$" Frags!"); } ps k UDt uK^pw}"#;({#U{#U{#U{#U;({#U{#U;(w}"#}"#}"#ww}"#wwwwww}"#ww{#U{#Uww{#Uwww{#Uw{#U{#UwLwLL')LL')LL')Lw %]PntsCC_ fKh/?YfteamRedaMteamRedYZfteamBlueoMteamBlueZ[fteamGreen]MteamGreen[\fteamGold\MteamGold\MPostActionteamzfApplyApplyaYoZ][\\b zfApplyReset All TeamsaRed TeamoBlue Team]Green Team\Gold TeambMCMessageAll Team Names have been reset to standard values!Mmvr_message.uhtmM Mmvr_main_team.uhtmM Cu////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterStats_DM expands MvReporterStats; var bool bGameOver, bFirstRun, bDoneAd; var int iTimerCnt; var int iGameInfoDelay, iGameDetailsDelay, iScoreDetailsDelay; var string sGameInfo; var TournamentGameReplicationInfo TGRI; // Since killing spree messages are only reported to Tournament Players, we have to // calculate them on our own. We're going to have an array, which holds the Kills // a player made in a row (without dieing). That will give us neccessary information // about the state of a killing spr33 var int iRowKills[64]; // Override Initialization Function function Initialize() { // Link.ClearBuffer(); super.Initialize(); TGRI = TournamentGameReplicationInfo(GRI); sGameInfo = SetGameInfo(); // Initiate Class Timer :) SetTimer(3, TRUE); } // Override InClientMessage Function function InClientMessage(coerce string S, optional name Type, optional bool bBeep) { local string sNick, sMessage; local bool bIsSpec; local int i; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI; bIsSpec = FALSE; sNick = Link.ParseDelimited(S, ":", 1); if (Len(sNick) > 0) { sMessage = Link.ParseDelimited(S, ":", 2, TRUE); for (i = 0; i<32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if( lPRI == None ) continue; if (lPRI.PlayerName == sNick && lPRI.bIsSpectator) { bIsSpec = TRUE; SendIRCMessage(conf.colBody $ sNick $ ": " $ sMessage); } } } if (!bIsSpec) SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen $ "* " $ S); // Check wheater we have a JOIN Message! // If so -> reset Kills in a row to zer0 if (InStr(S, "entered the game") > 0) { sNick = Link.ParseDelimited(S, " ", 1); for (i = 0; i<32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if ((lPRI != none) && (lPRI.PlayerName == sNick)) iRowKills[i] = 0; } } } // Override InTeamMessage Function function InTeamMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string S, name Type, optional bool bBeep ) { SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead $ PRI.PlayerName $ ": " $ conf.colBody $ S); } // Override InLocalizedMessage Function function InLocalizedMessage( class Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { local string sHigh; sHigh = ""; // If we have Sudden Death Overtime -> Highlight Message if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.DeathMatchMessage')) { switch(Switch) { // Overtime :) case 0: sHigh = conf.colHigh; break; // Team Change case 3: SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$"* "$conf.colHead$RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName$" is now on " $ GetTeamColor(RelatedPRI_1.Team) $ TeamInfo(OptionalObject).TeamName); return; break; } } // If we have a first bl00d message -> activate highlight if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.FirstBloodMessage')) { sHigh = conf.colHigh; } // Send Message to IRC SendIRCMessage(GetColoredMessage("", sHigh, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); // Check for Killing Sprees if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.DeathMessagePlus')) { ProcessKillingSpree(Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2); } } // Override InVoiceMessage Function function InVoiceMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo Sender, PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name messagetype, byte messageID) { local string sMsg; sMsg = GetClientVoiceMessageString(Sender, Recipient, messagetype, messageID); if (Len(sMsg) > 0) { SendIRCMessage(GetTeamColor(Sender.Team)$Sender.PlayerName$": "$conf.colBody$sMsg); } } // Send a message to IRC function SendIRCMessage(string msg, optional bool bNoTime) { local string Time; local string Message; if (msg == "") return; // Get the Time (Remaining / Elapsed) if (TGRI.TimeLimit == 0) { Time = "["$GetStrTime(TGRI.ElapsedTime)$"]"; } else { Time = "["$GetStrTime(TGRI.RemainingTime)$"]"; } // Add Time to message if neccessary if (bNoTime) { Message = msg; } else { Message = conf.colTime$Time$ircColor$" "$msg; } // Send Message to our IRC Link Class Link.SendMessage(Message); } // Our Timer Event event Timer() { if(conf.bSecondaryLink) { if (!Link.bIsConnected || !Link2.bIsConnected) return; } else if (!Link.bIsConnected) return; // Beim ersten durchlauf! if ((iTimerCnt == 0) && (bFirstRun == TRUE)) { bFirstRun = FALSE; SendIRCMessage("Mavericks IRC Reporter "$Link.Controller.sVersion, TRUE); SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh $ "*** " $ sGameInfo); } // Advertising if (!bDoneAd && conf.bAdvertise) { if (TGRI.Timelimit == 0) { if (TGRI.ElapsedTime > 0) OnAdvertise(); } else { //BroadcastMessage(string(TGRI.Timelimit)$" - "$string(TGRI.RemainingTime)$" = "$string(TGRI.Timelimit - TGRI.RemainingTime)); if ((TGRI.Timelimit * 60 - TGRI.RemainingTime) > 0) OnAdvertise(); } } // Map Info (Mapname/Gamename/ServerURL) if ((iTimerCnt % iGameInfoDelay) == 0) { if ((TGRI.NumPlayers > 0) && (iTimerCnt != 0)) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh $ "*** " $ sGameInfo); } // Detailed Game Information if (((iTimerCnt % iGameDetailsDelay) == 0) && (iTimerCnt > 0) && (TGRI.NumPlayers > 0)) { if (!Level.Game.bGameEnded) OnGameDetails(); } // Detailed Score Information if (((iTimerCnt % iScoreDetailsDelay) == 0) && (iTimerCnt > 0) && (TGRI.NumPlayers > 0)) { if (!Level.Game.bGameEnded) OnScoreDetails(); } // Check whether the game is over or not if (Level.Game.bGameEnded && (!bGameOver)) { bGameOver = TRUE; OnGameOver(); } // Increase Counter 4 Timer if (iTimerCnt > 3600) iTimerCnt = 0; else iTimerCnt += 5; } // Additional Functions // Get Team Color (may be inherited!) function string GetTeamColor(byte iTeam) { // In DM we don't have teams -> return color 2 return ircColor $ "2"; } // Get a Colored Message !! function string GetColoredMessage(string sPreFix, string sHighLight, class Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject) { local string sMsg, sPlayer_1, sPlayer_2; // Set Playernames with Colors! if (RelatedPRI_1 != none) { sPlayer_1 = RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName; RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName = GetTeamColor(RelatedPRI_1.Team)$sPlayer_1$ircClear$sHighLight; } if (RelatedPRI_2 != none) { sPlayer_2 = RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName; RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName = GetTeamColor(RelatedPRI_2.Team)$sPlayer_2$ircClear$sHighLight; } // Send Message to IRC sMsg = sHighLight $ sPreFix $ Message.static.GetString( Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); // Restore Player Names if (RelatedPRI_1 != none) { RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName = sPlayer_1; } if (RelatedPRI_2 != none) { RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName = sPlayer_2; } return sMsg; } // Process Killing Sprees. function ProcessKillingSpree(int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2) { local int iID_1, iID_2; iID_1 = RelatedPRI_1.PlayerID; // Player made a suicide if (RelatedPRI_2 == none) { // If the Player was on a spree -> tell end message if (iRowKills[iID_1] > 4) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName$" was looking good, until he killed himself!"); iRowKills[iID_1] = 0; // Reset Kills of Victim } // Switch 0 or 8 means a frag occured! else { iID_2 = RelatedPRI_2.PlayerID; if (iRowKills[iID_2] > 4) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName$"'s Killing Spree was ended by"$" "$RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName$"!"); iRowKills[iID_2] = 0; // Reset Kills iRowKills[iID_1] += 1; // Increase Kills of Killer switch (iRowKills[iID_1]) { case 5: SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName$" is on a Killing Spree!"); break; case 10: SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName$" is on a Rampage!"); break; case 15: SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName$" is Dominating!"); break; case 20: SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName$" is Unstoppable!"); break; case 25: SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName$" is Godlike!"); break; } } } // Advertising :> function OnAdvertise() { BroadCastMessage("This match is being broadcasted to: "$conf.Channel); bDoneAd = True; } // Game Over Check Function function bool CheckGameOver() { if (Level.Game.bGameEnded) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } // Game Over event function OnGameOver() { Link.ResetQueue(); SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$"Game has ended!"); PostPlayerStats(); } // Detailed Game Information function OnGameDetails() { local int i; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI, bestPRI; // Get the best PRI for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if( lPRI == None) continue; if(bestPRI==None) bestPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if (bestPRI.Score <= lPRI.Score) bestPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; } // Post Stuff SendIRCMessage(" "); SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$"** Game Details:"); SendIRCMessage(">> "$conf.colHead$"Timelimit / Fraglimit:" $conf.colBody$" "$TGRI.TimeLimit $ " / " $ TGRI.Fraglimit); SendIRCMessage("> " $ GetTeamColor(bestPRI.Team) $ bestPRI.PlayerName $ conf.colHead $ " is in the lead with"$conf.colHigh$" "$string(int(bestPRI.Score))$conf.colHead$" frags!"); SendIRCMessage(" "); } // Detailed Score Information function OnScoreDetails() { } // Post Player Statistics function PostPlayerStats() { local int i; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI; local string sBot; SendIRCMessage(" ", TRUE); SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$"** Final Player Status:", TRUE); if(Link.bUTGLEnabled) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$PostPad("Name", 22, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad("Login", 15, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad("Frags", 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Death", 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Ping", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PL", 4, " ") $ " |", TRUE); else SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$PostPad("Name", 22, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad("Frags", 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Death", 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Ping", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PL", 4, " ") $ " |", TRUE); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if(lPRI==None) continue; if (!lPRI.bIsSpectator) { if (lPRI.bIsABot) sBot = " (Bot)"; else sBot = ""; if(Link.bUTGLEnabled) SendIRCMessage("> "$conf.colHead$PostPad(lPRI.PlayerName $ sBot, 20, " ") $ conf.colHead $ "| " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(Spec.ServerMutate("getlogin "$lPRI.PlayerName), 15, " ") $ "| " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(int(lPRI.Score)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(int(lPRI.Deaths)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(lPRI.Ping), 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(lPRI.PacketLoss)$"%", 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " |", TRUE); else SendIRCMessage("> "$conf.colHead$PostPad(lPRI.PlayerName $ sBot, 20, " ") $ conf.colHead $ "| " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(int(lPRI.Score)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(int(lPRI.Deaths)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(lPRI.Ping), 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(lPRI.PacketLoss)$"%", 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " |", TRUE); } } SendIRCMessage(" ", TRUE); } // Set the GameInformation function string SetGameInfo() { return conf.ColHead $ "Currently Playing:" $ conf.colBody $ " " $ Level.Title $ " (" $ TGRI.GameName $ ")" $ conf.colHead $ " on " $ conf.colBody $ Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Query of the Current Map (overriden) function QueryMap(string sNick) { Link.SendNotice(sNick, "Currently Reporting: "$Level.Title$" ("$TGRI.GameName$") on "$Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName); } // Query of the Current Gameinfo (overridden) function QueryInfo(string sNick) { // Send some nifty stuff to the user! Link.SendNotice(sNick, "*** Detailed Game Information for "$Level.Title$":"); Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> Timelimit / Fraglimit: "$TGRI.TimeLimit $ " / " $ TGRI.Fraglimit); if (TGRI.TimeLimit > 0) Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> Time Remaining: "$GetStrTime(TGRI.RemainingTime)); else Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> Elapsed Time: "$GetStrTime(TGRI.ElapsedTime)); } // Query of the Current Spectator List (overridden) function QuerySpecs(string sNick) { local int i, iNum; local Spectator lSpec; Link.SendNotice(sNick, "*** Spectator List for "$Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName$":"); // List our Speccs iNum = 0; foreach AllActors(class'Spectator', lSpec) { if (lSpec.bIsPlayer && NetConnection(lSpec.Player) != None) { if(Link.bUTGLEnabled) Link.SendNotice(sNick, "> "$lSpec.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$" - Login: "$Spec.ServerMutate("getlogin "$lSpec.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName)); else Link.SendNotice(sNick, "> "$lSpec.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName); iNum++; } } if (iNum == 0) Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> No specs on server!"); } // Query of the Current Player List (overridden) function QueryPlayers(string sNick) { local int i, iNum; local string sMessage; local TournamentPlayer lPlr; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI; Link.SendNotice(sNick, "*** Player List for "$Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName$":"); iNum = 0; foreach AllActors(class'TournamentPlayer', lPlr) { lPRI = lPlr.PlayerReplicationInfo; if (iNum > 0) sMessage = sMessage $ ", "; if(Link.bUTGLEnabled) sMessage = sMessage $ lPRI.PlayerName $ " - Login: "$Spec.ServerMutate("getlogin "$lPRI.PlayerName)$" ("$string(int(lPRI.Score))$")"; else sMessage = sMessage $ lPRI.PlayerName $ " ("$string(int(lPRI.Score))$")"; iNum++; } if (iNum == 0) sMessage = "No players on server!"; Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> "$sMessage); } // Query of the Current Scores (overridden) function QueryScore(string sNick) { QueryPlayers(sNick); } CLg////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterStats_CTF expands MvReporterStats_TDM; // Variables to store the Name & Type of the Last Frag (& the message) var string lastMessage, lastKiller, lastVictim; var int lastSwitch; var string droppedName, droppedMessage; var bool isStateDropping; // Override InLocalizedMessage Function function InLocalizedMessage( class Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { local string sHigh, Player_1, Player_2; sHigh = ""; // *** SUDDEN DEATH / TEAM CHANGE *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.DeathMatchMessage')) { switch(Switch) { // Overtime :) case 0: SendIRCMessage(GetColoredMessage("", conf.colHigh, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); return; // Team Change case 3: SendIRCMessage(GetColoredMessage("* ", conf.colGen, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); return; } } // *** FIRST BLOOD MESSAGE *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.FirstBloodMessage')) { if (RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName == lastKiller) SendIRCMessage(lastMessage); sendIRCMessage(GetColoredMessage("", conf.colHigh, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); } // *** FRAG Messages *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.DeathMessagePlus')) { // Save our message (maybe we need it l8er) lastKiller = RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName; lastVictim = RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName; lastSwitch = Switch; lastMessage = GetColoredMessage("", conf.colHead, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); // If we have a flag drop in progress -> post that too // if (isStateDropping && (((droppedName == RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName) && (Related_PRI2 != none)) || ((droppedName == RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName) && (RelatedPRI_2 == none))){ if (isStateDropping && (((RelatedPRI_2 == none) && (RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName == droppedName)) || ((RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName == droppedName) && (RelatedPRI_2 != none)) )) { isStateDropping = FALSE; SendIRCMessage(lastMessage); } // Killing Spree ? ProcessKillingSpree(Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2); return; } // *** CTF Messages *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.CTFMessage')) { switch (Switch) { // The Flag has been captured! case 0: SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$ircUnderline$Message.static.GetString( Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); SendScoreLine("New Score: "); return; // Dropped the Flag / Just store the Message to get it shown @ the next frag case 2: isStateDropping = TRUE; droppedName = RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName; droppedMessage = conf.colGen$Message.static.GetString( Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); SendIRCMessage(droppedMessage); break; default: SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$Message.static.GetString( Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); return; } } } // Override Game Over event function OnGameOver() { SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$"Game has ended!"); SendScoreBoard("** Final Score Information:", TRUE); } // Override Score Details function OnScoreDetails() { local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI, BestPRI; local CTFFlag lFLAG; local int i; SendScoreBoard("** Current Score: "); // Search for Flag Carriers and spamm them for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if(lPRI==None) continue; if(bestPRI == none) bestPRI = lPRI; else if (bestPRI.Score <= lPRI.Score) bestPRI = lPRI; if (!lPRI.bIsSpectator) { lFLAG = CTFFlag(lPRI.HasFlag); if (lFLAG != none) SendIRCMessage(">> "$conf.colHead$lPRI.PlayerName$" has the "$conf.sTeams[lFLAG.Team]$" flag!"); } } SendIRCMessage(">> " $ conf.colHead $ bestPRI.PlayerName $ " is in the lead with"$conf.colHigh$" "$string(int(bestPRI.Score))$conf.colHead$" frags!"); } // Send the CTF ScoreLine function SendScoreLine(string sPreFix) { local int iScore[4]; SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$sPreFix$GetTeamColor(0)$conf.sTeams[0]$" "$string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[0].Score))$ircColor$":"$GetTeamColor(1)$ircBold$ircBold$string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[1].Score))$" "$conf.sTeams[1]); } // Send the CTF ScoreBoard! function SendScoreBoard(string sHeadLine, optional bool bTime) { local int i, iT; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI; local int iPingsArray[4], iPLArray[4]; // Head if (bTime) SendIRCMessage(" ", bTime); SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$sHeadLine, bTime); // Get Ping & PL 4 ScoreBoard for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if(lPRI==None) continue; if (!lPRI.bIsSpectator && lPRI.Team == iT && !lPRI.bIsABot) { iPingsArray[iT] += lPRI.Ping; iPLArray[iT] += lPRI.PacketLoss; } } } // Spamm out our stuff :) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$PostPad("Team-Name", 22, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad(sScoreStr, 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Ping", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PL", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PPL", 3, " ") $ " |", bTime); for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { iPingsArray[iT] = iPingsArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; iPLArray[iT] = iPLArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; SendIRCMessage("> "$GetTeamColor(iT)$PostPad(conf.sTeams[iT], 20, " ") $ conf.colHead $ "| " $ GetTeamColor(iT) $ PrePad(string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Score)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPingsArray[iT]), 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPLArray[iT])$"%", 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size, 3, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " |", bTime); } if (bTime) SendIRCMessage(" ", bTime); } CVK&(Reporter quit!-@(? Cs////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterStats_BT expands MvReporterStats_TDM; // Variables to store the Name & Type of the Last Frag (& the message) var string lastMessage, lastKiller, lastVictim; var int lastSwitch; var string droppedName, droppedMessage; var bool isStateDropping; var string DiedMsg; // Override InLocalizedMessage Function function InLocalizedMessage( class Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { local string sHigh, Player_1, Player_2, TmpStr; local int Team; sHigh = ""; // *** SUDDEN DEATH / TEAM CHANGE *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.DeathMatchMessage')) { switch(Switch) { // Overtime :) case 0: SendIRCMessage(GetColoredMessage("", conf.colHigh, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); return; // Team Change case 3: SendIRCMessage(GetColoredMessage("* ", conf.colGen, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); return; } } // *** FRAG Messages *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.DeathMessagePlus')) { // Save our message (maybe we need it l8er) if(RelatedPRI_2 == None) { lastVictim = RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName; Team = RelatedPRI_1.Team; } else { lastVictim = RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName; Team = RelatedPRI_2.Team; } lastSwitch = Switch; if(RelatedPRI_2 != None && RelatedPRI_1 != None) { if(RelatedPRI_2.Team != RelatedPRI_1.Team) lastMessage = GetColoredMessage("", conf.colHead, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); } else { TmpStr = Message.static.GetString( Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); if(InStr(TmpStr, " was slimed.") != -1 || InStr(TmpStr, " was incinerated.") != -1) lastMessage = GetColoredMessage("", conf.colHead, Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); else lastMessage = conf.colHead$GetTeamColor(Team)$lastVictim$ircClear$conf.ColHead@"has died !"; } DiedMsg = lastMessage; SetTimer(0.05, false); SetTimer(3, TRUE); return; } // *** CTF Messages *** if (ClassIsChildOf(Message, class'BotPack.CTFMessage')) { switch (Switch) { // The Flag has been captured! case 0: SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$ircUnderline$Message.static.GetString( Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); SendScoreLine("New Score: "); return; // Dropped the Flag / Just store the Message to get it shown @ the next frag case 6: SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$ircUnderline$Message.static.GetString( Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); break; case 2: isStateDropping = TRUE; droppedName = RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName; droppedMessage = conf.colGen$Message.static.GetString( Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); break; default: SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$Message.static.GetString( Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject)); break; } } if(Switch==0) { DiedMsg=""; droppedMessage=""; SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$ircUnderline$GetTeamColor(RelatedPRI_1.Team)$RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName$ircClear$conf.ColHead$ircUnderline@"has captured the flag !"$ircClear$conf.ColHead$" (Best Time: "$ProcessScore(RelatedPRI_1.Score)$")"); SendScoreLine("New Score: "); return; } } // Override Game Over event function OnGameOver() { SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$"Game has ended!"); SendScoreBoard("** Final Score Information:", TRUE); } // Override Score Details function OnScoreDetails() { local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI, BestPRI; local CTFFlag lFLAG; local int i; SendScoreBoard("** Current Score: "); // Search for Flag Carriers and spamm them for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(TGRI.PRIArray[i] == none || TGRI.PRIArray[i].bIsSpectator) continue; lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if (bestPRI == None) bestPRI = lPRI; else if ( !bBTScores && bestPRI.Score <= lPRI.Score ) bestPRI = lPRI; else if ( bBTScores && bestPRI.Score >= lPRI.Score ) bestPRI = lPRI; lFLAG = CTFFlag(lPRI.HasFlag); if (lFLAG != none) SendIRCMessage(">> "$conf.colHead$lPRI.PlayerName$" has the "$conf.sTeams[lFLAG.Team]$" flag!"); } if(bBTScores && bestPRI.Score!=0) SendIRCMessage(">> " $ conf.colHead $ bestPRI.PlayerName $ " has the best CapTime -"$conf.colHigh$" "$ProcessScore(bestPRI.Score)$conf.colHead$" !"); } // Send the CTF ScoreLine function SendScoreLine(string sPreFix) { local int iScore[4]; SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$sPreFix$GetTeamColor(0)$conf.sTeams[0]$" "$string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[0].Score))$ircColor$":"$GetTeamColor(1)$ircBold$ircBold$string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[1].Score))$" "$conf.sTeams[1]); } // Send the CTF ScoreBoard! function SendScoreBoard(string sHeadLine, optional bool bTime) { local int i, iT; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI; local int iPingsArray[4], iPLArray[4]; // Head if (bTime) SendIRCMessage(" ", bTime); SendIRCMessage(conf.colGen$sHeadLine, bTime); // Get Ping & PL 4 ScoreBoard for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if ((lPRI != none) && (!lPRI.bIsSpectator) && (lPRI.Team == iT) && !lPRI.bIsABot) { iPingsArray[iT] += lPRI.Ping; iPLArray[iT] += lPRI.PacketLoss; } } } // Spamm out our stuff :) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHead$PostPad("Team-Name", 22, " ") $ "| " $ PrePad(sScoreStr, 5, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("Ping", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PL", 4, " ") $ " | " $ PrePad("PPL", 3, " ") $ " |", bTime); for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { iPingsArray[iT] = iPingsArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; iPLArray[iT] = iPLArray[iT] / TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size; SendIRCMessage("> "$GetTeamColor(iT)$PostPad(conf.sTeams[iT], 20, " ") $ conf.colHead $ "| " $ GetTeamColor(iT) $ PrePad(string(int(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Score)), 5, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPingsArray[iT]), 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(string(iPLArray[iT])$"%", 4, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " | " $ conf.colBody $ PrePad(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[iT].Size, 3, " ") $ conf.colHead $ " |", bTime); } if (bTime) SendIRCMessage(" ", bTime); } function string ProcessScore(int Score) { local int intScore, secs; local string sec; if(bBTScores) { if(Score==0) return "0:00"; else { intScore = 2000 - Score; if ( intScore > 1 && intScore < 1999 ) { secs = int(intScore % 60); if ( secs < 10 ) sec = "0" $string(secs); else sec = "" $string(secs); return string(intScore / 60) $":" $sec; } } } return string(Score); } // Query of the Current Gameinfo (overridden) function QueryInfo(string sNick) { // Send some nifty stuff to the user! Link.SendNotice(sNick, "*** Detailed Game Information for "$Level.Title$":"); Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> Timelimit / Caplimit: "$TGRI.TimeLimit $ " / " $ string(int(Level.ConsoleCommand("get "$string(Level.Game.class)$" GoalTeamScore")))); if (TGRI.TimeLimit > 0) Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> Time Remaining: "$GetStrTime(TGRI.RemainingTime)); else Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> Elapsed Time: "$GetStrTime(TGRI.ElapsedTime)); } // Our Timer Event event Timer() { local bool bSentDrop, bSentDied; if(conf.bSecondaryLink) { if (!Link.bIsConnected || !Link2.bIsConnected) return; } else if (!Link.bIsConnected) return; if(droppedMessage!="") { SendIRCMessage(droppedMessage); droppedMessage=""; bSentDrop=True; } if(DiedMsg!="") { SendIRCMessage(DiedMsg); DiedMsg=""; bSentDied=True; } if(bSentDrop || bSentDied) return; // Beim ersten durchlauf! if ((iTimerCnt == 0) && (bFirstRun == TRUE)) { bFirstRun = FALSE; SendIRCMessage("Mavericks IRC Reporter "$Link.Controller.sVersion, TRUE); SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh $ "*** " $ sGameInfo); } // Advertising if (!bDoneAd && conf.bAdvertise) { if (TGRI.Timelimit == 0) { if (TGRI.ElapsedTime > 0) OnAdvertise(); } else { //BroadcastMessage(string(TGRI.Timelimit)$" - "$string(TGRI.RemainingTime)$" = "$string(TGRI.Timelimit - TGRI.RemainingTime)); if ((TGRI.Timelimit * 60 - TGRI.RemainingTime) > 0) OnAdvertise(); } } // Map Info (Mapname/Gamename/ServerURL) if ((iTimerCnt % iGameInfoDelay) == 0) { if ((TGRI.NumPlayers > 0) && (iTimerCnt != 0)) SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh $ "*** " $ sGameInfo); } // Detailed Game Information if (((iTimerCnt % iGameDetailsDelay) == 0) && (iTimerCnt > 0) && (TGRI.NumPlayers > 0)) { if (!Level.Game.bGameEnded) OnGameDetails(); } // Detailed Score Information if (((iTimerCnt % iScoreDetailsDelay) == 0) && (iTimerCnt > 0) && (TGRI.NumPlayers > 0)) { if (!Level.Game.bGameEnded) OnScoreDetails(); } // Check whether the game is over or not if (Level.Game.bGameEnded && (!bGameOver)) { bGameOver = TRUE; OnGameOver(); } // Increase Counter 4 Timer if (iTimerCnt > 3600) iTimerCnt = 0; else iTimerCnt += 5; } // Override QueryPlayers function to provide team based colors function QueryPlayers(string sNick) { local int i, iT, iNum, iAll; local string sMessage; local TournamentPlayer lPlr; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI; Link.SendNotice(sNick, "*** Player List for "$Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName$":"); iAll = 0; for (iT = 0; iT < TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).MaxTeams; iT++) { iNum = 0; sMessage = ""; foreach AllActors(class'TournamentPlayer', lPlr) { lPRI = lPlr.PlayerReplicationInfo; if (lPRI.Team == iT) { if (iNum > 0) sMessage = sMessage$", "; else sMessage = conf.colHead$conf.sTeams[iT]$": "$ircColor; if(Link.bUTGLEnabled) sMessage = sMessage $ GetTeamColor(iT) $ ircBold $ ircBold $ lPRI.PlayerName $ " - Login: "$ Spec.ServerMutate("getlogin "$lPRI.PlayerName) $ conf.colBody $ " ("$ProcessScore(lPRI.Score)$")"; else sMessage = sMessage $ GetTeamColor(iT) $ ircBold $ ircBold $ lPRI.PlayerName $ conf.colBody $ " ("$ProcessScore(lPRI.Score)$")"; iNum++; iAll++; } } if (iNum > 0) Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> "$sMessage); } if (iAll == 0) Link.SendNotice(sNick, ">> No players on server!"); } py nYXz yVpK@1CZ}"#xx{#UwwK{#U&{#Uw{#U{#Uw{#UKKwK ᘗKK ,4vgww;(;(;(;(;(w;(@1C;(@1C@1CKK;(@1C;(K;(K;(w}"#;({#U{#U{#U{#U{#Uw}"#}"#}"#ww}"#wwwwww}"#www}"#}"#w;(;({#U;({#U{#U{#U{#U{#Uw{#Uwj\{#Uw{#Uw{#Uwwww{#U{#U{#U{#U{#U{#UwElwwwwElwEl{#UwElwElw{#U{#Uww{#U %]Caps)"+",:"CCU////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterStats_1on1 expands MvReporterStats_DM; // Override Set Gameinfo :) function string SetGameInfo() { return conf.ColHead $ "Playing 1on1 on" $ conf.colBody $ " " $ Level.Title $ conf.colHead $ ", Server: " $ conf.colBody $ Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName; } // Override Detailed Game Information function OnGameDetails() { local int i; local string sName_1, sName_2, sScore_1, sScore_2; local PlayerReplicationInfo lPRI, lPRI_1, lPRI_2; SendIRCMessage(conf.colHigh$"*** "$sGameInfo); // Post Results! for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { lPRI = TGRI.PRIArray[i]; if(lPRI==None) continue; if (!lPRI.bIsSpectator) if (lPRI_1 != none) lPRI_2 = lPRI; else lPRI_1 = lPRI; } if (lPRI_1 == none) { sScore_1 = "--"; sName_1 = "nobody"; } else { sScore_1 = string(int(lPRI_1.Score)); sName_1 = lPRI_1.PlayerName; } if (lPRI_2 == none) { sScore_2 = "--"; sName_2 = "nobody"; } else { sScore_2 = string(int(lPRI_2.Score)); sName_2 = lPRI_2.PlayerName; } if(Link.bUTGLEnabled) SendIRCMessage(">>"$conf.colHead$" Current Score:"$ircColor$"4 "$sName_1$" - Login: "$Spec.ServerMutate("getlogin "$sName_1)$" "$sScore_1$ircColor$":"$ircColor$"12"$ircBold$ircBold$sScore_2$" "$sName_2$" - Login: "$Spec.ServerMutate("getlogin "$sName_2)); else SendIRCMessage(">>"$conf.colHead$" Current Score:"$ircColor$"4 "$sName_1$" "$sScore_1$ircColor$":"$ircColor$"12"$ircBold$ircBold$sScore_2$" "$sName_2); } Cu KN5]KcolGen?colGen]_KcolTimeV?colTime_`KcolHead?colHead`aKcolBody ?colBodyabKcolHigh?colHighbcKcolRedq?colRedceKcolBlueY?colBlueegKcolGreenE?colGreengdKcolGoldl?colGolddm{KApply] &V_ &` & a &b &qc &Ye &Eg &ld &1?PostActionteam?mvr_main_color.uhtm? CX;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // // Generic Stats Class (MvReporter2.MvReporterStats) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterStats expands Actor; // Link to our IRC Interface (IMPORTANT) var MvReporterIRCLink Link; var MvReporterIRCLink2 Link2; var MvReporterSpectator Spec; var MvReporterConfig conf; var LevelInfo Level; var GameReplicationInfo GRI; // Declare some Variables var string ircBold; var string ircColor; var string ircUnderline; var string ircClear; var bool bBTScores; // Initialization Function function Initialize() { if((Left(string(Level), 3)=="BT-" || Left(string(Level), 5)=="CTF-BT-") && string(Level.Game.class)!="BotPack.CTFGame") { bBTScores=True; } Log("MvReporter2: Stats Actor Initialized"); } // Recieve General Messages (Joins, Parts, etc) function InClientMessage(coerce string S, optional name Type, optional bool bBeep) { } // Recieve Say Messages function InTeamMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string S, name Type, optional bool bBeep ) { } // Recieve Localized Messages function InLocalizedMessage( class Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { } // Recieve Taunts function InVoiceMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo Sender, PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name messagetype, byte messageID) { } static function string PrePad (coerce string S, int Size, string Pad) { if (Len(S) > Size) return Left(S, Size-3)$"..."; while (Len(S) < Size) S = Pad $ S; return S; } static function string PostPad (coerce string S, int Size, string Pad) { if (Len(S) > Size) return Left(S, Size-3)$"..."; while (Len(S) < Size) S = S $ Pad; return S; } function string GetStrTime(int Time) { local int m; local int s; // local string str; m = (Time % 3600) / 60; s = Time % 60; return PrePad(string(m),2,"0") $ ":" $ PrePad(string(s),2,"0"); } function String GetClientVoiceMessageString(PlayerReplicationInfo Sender, PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name messagetype, byte messageID) { local VoicePack V; local String sStr; if ((Sender == None) || (Sender.voicetype == None)) return ""; V = Spawn(Sender.voicetype, self); if (V == none) return ""; if (messagetype == 'ACK') sStr = sStr $ ChallengeVoicePack(V).static.GetAckString(messageID); else { if (recipient != none) { sStr = sStr $ ChallengeVoicePack(V).GetCallSign(Recipient); } if (messagetype == 'FRIENDLYFIRE') { sStr = sStr $ ChallengeVoicePack(V).static.GetFFireString(messageID); } else if (messagetype == 'TAUNT') { sStr = sStr $ ChallengeVoicePack(V).static.GetTauntString(messageID); } else if (messagetype == 'AUTOTAUNT') { sStr = sStr $ ChallengeVoicePack(V).static.GetTauntString(messageID); sStr = ""; } else if (messagetype == 'ORDER') { sStr = sStr $ ChallengeVoicePack(V).static.GetOrderString(messageID, "Deathmatch"); } else { sStr = sStr $ ChallengeVoicePack(V).static.GetOtherString(messageID); } } V.Destroy(); return sStr; } // IRC Queries function QueryMap(string sNick) { } function QueryInfo(string sNick) { } function QuerySpecs(string sNick) { } function QueryPlayers(string sNick) { } function QueryScore(string sNick) { } CWK////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // // Spectator Class (MvReporter2.MvReporterSpectator) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterSpectator expands MessagingSpectator; // Our master controller var MvReporter Controller; var MvReporterIRCLink Link; var MvReporterIRCLink2 Link2; var MvReporterStats Stats; var string LastMessage; // Init function function Engage(MvReporter InController, MvReporterIRCLink InLink, MvReporterIRCLink2 InLink2) { local Class StatsClass; local MvReporterMutator_1on1 Mut1on1; local Actor OutActor; local Mutator M; local string GameClass; local bool bOneOnOne; bOneOnOne = false; Controller = InController; Link = InLink; Link2 = InLink2; // OK, now determine the gametype and spawn the specific Reporter Class, we are able to access from here! GameClass = caps(GetItemName(string(Level.Game.Class))); switch(GameClass) { case "DEATHMATCHPLUS": case "EUTDEATHMATCHPLUS": if (Level.Game.MaxPlayers == 2) { StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_1on1'; bOneOnOne = true; } else StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_DM'; break; case "TEAMGAMEPLUS": case "EUTTEAMGAMEPLUS": StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_TDM'; break; case "CTFGAME": case "SMARTCTFGAME": StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_CTF'; break; default: StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_DM'; break; } if (Controller.conf.bExtra1on1Stats && (bOneOnOne)) { Level.Game.BaseMutator.AddMutator(Level.Game.Spawn(class'MvReporterMutator_1on1')); M = Level.Game.BaseMutator; while (M.NextMutator != None) { if (InStr(string(M.Class),"MvReporterMutator_1on1") != -1) break; else M = M.NextMutator; } Mut1on1 = MvReporterMutator_1on1(M); Mut1on1.Link = Link; Mut1on1.conf = Controller.conf; } // Spawn Actor n0w Stats = Spawn(StatsClass); // Check wheter spawn was success if (Stats == none) Log("MvReporter2: Unable to spawn Stats Class!"); else { Stats.Link = Link; Stats.Link2 = Link2; Link.Link2 = Link2; Link.Spec = self; if ( Mut1on1 != None ) Mut1on1.Stats = MvReporterStats_1on1(Stats); if(Controller.conf.bSecondaryLink) Link.AntiFloodDelay = Controller.conf.AntiFloodDelay/2; else Link.AntiFloodDelay = Controller.conf.AntiFloodDelay; Stats.Spec = self; Stats.conf = Controller.conf; Stats.Level = Level; Stats.GRI = Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo; Stats.Initialize(); } } function ClientMessage(coerce string S, optional name Type, optional bool bBeep ) { if(Type=='None') LastMessage=S; if(Stats!=None) Stats.InClientMessage(S, Type, bBeep); } function TeamMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string S, name Type, optional bool bBeep ) { Stats.InTeamMessage(PRI, S, Type, bBeep); } function ReceiveLocalizedMessage( class Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { Stats.InLocalizedMessage(Message, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); } function ClientVoiceMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo Sender, PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name messagetype, byte messageID) { Stats.InVoiceMessage(Sender, Recipient, messagetype, messageID); } function string ServerMutate(string MutateString) { local String Str; local Mutator Mut; Mut = Level.Game.BaseMutator; Mut.Mutate(MutateString, Self); return LastMessage; } //function ClientReceive(PlayerPawn P, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject){ //function ClientMessage( coerce string S, optional Name Type, optional bool bBeep ) { // BroadCastMessage("Client Recieve Event!"); //} CCclass MvReporterMutator_1on1 expands Mutator; var MvReporterIRCLink Link; var MvReporterStats_1on1 Stats; var MvReporterConfig conf; function bool HandlePickupQuery(Pawn Other, Inventory item, out byte bAllowPickup) { local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI; PRI = Other.PlayerReplicationInfo; if(Item.IsA('ThighPads')) Stats.SendIRCMessage(Stats.GetTeamColor(PRI.Team)$PRI.PlayerName$Stats.ircClear@"has picked up"@conf.colBody$"ThighPads."); else if(Item.IsA('Armor2')) Stats.SendIRCMessage(Stats.GetTeamColor(PRI.Team)$PRI.PlayerName$Stats.ircClear@"has picked up an"@conf.colGreen$"Armor."); else if(Item.IsA('UT_Jumpboots')) Stats.SendIRCMessage(Stats.GetTeamColor(PRI.Team)$PRI.PlayerName$Stats.ircClear@"has picked up"@conf.colGen$"Jumpboots."); else if(Item.IsA('UT_Shieldbelt')) Stats.SendIRCMessage(Stats.GetTeamColor(PRI.Team)$PRI.PlayerName$Stats.ircClear@"has picked up a"@conf.colGold$"Shieldbelt."); else if(Item.IsA('HealthPack')) Stats.SendIRCMessage(Stats.GetTeamColor(PRI.Team)$PRI.PlayerName$Stats.ircClear@"has picked up a"@conf.colGold$"HealthPack."); if ( NextMutator != None ) return NextMutator.HandlePickupQuery(Other, item, bAllowPickup); } CDclass MvReporterMutator expands Mutator; var MvReporterConfig conf; var MvReporterIRCLink Link; var MvReporterIRCLink2 Link2; var MvReporter Controller; function Mutate(string MutateString, PlayerPawn Sender) { local string CommandString; local String ValueString; if ( NextMutator != None ) NextMutator.Mutate(MutateString, Sender); if(Left(MutateString, 9) == "mvrstatus") Sender.ClientMessage("True"); if(Sender.bAdmin) { if(Left(MutateString, 4) ~= "mvr ") { CommandString=Mid(MutateString, 4); if(Left(CommandString , 5) ~= "START") { if(!Link.bIsConnected) Link.Connect(Controller, conf); if(conf.bSecondaryLink && !Link2.bIsConnected) Link2.Connect(Controller, conf); Sender.ClientMessage("Done."); } else if(Left(CommandString , 4) ~= "STOP") { Link.Disconnect(); if(conf.bSecondaryLink) Link2.Disconnect(); Sender.ClientMessage("Done."); } else if(Left(CommandString, 7) ~= "RESTART") { Link.RelaunchReporter("Reporter restart ..."); if(conf.bSecondaryLink) Link2.RelaunchReporter("Reporter restart ..."); Sender.ClientMessage("Done."); } else if(Left(CommandString, 6) ~= "STATUS") { if(conf.bSecondaryLink) { if(Link.bIsConnected && Link2.bIsConnected) Sender.ClientMessage("Connected"); else if(Link.bIsConnected && !Link2.bIsConnected) Sender.ClientMessage("Link2 disconnected"); else Sender.ClientMessage("Disconnected"); } else { if(Link.bIsConnected) Sender.ClientMessage("Connected"); else Sender.ClientMessage("Disconnected"); } } else if(Left(CommandString, 10) ~= "MUTEOUTPUT") { if (!conf.bMuted) Link.SendMessage(conf.colHigh$"*** "$conf.colHead$"Output has been muted."); conf.bMuted = !conf.bMuted; conf.SaveConfig(); if (!conf.bMuted) Link.SendMessage(conf.colHigh$"*** "$conf.colHead$"Output has been un-muted."); Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); } //For SuperWebAdmin compatibility else if(Left(CommandString, 10) ~= "MUTESTATUS") { if(conf.bMuted) Sender.ClientMessage("1"); else Sender.ClientMessage("0"); } //For SuperWebAdmin compatibility else if(Left(CommandString, 13) ~= "PUBCOMSSTATUS") { if(conf.bPublicComs) Sender.ClientMessage("1"); else Sender.ClientMessage("0"); } else if(Left(CommandString, 7) ~= "PUBCOMS") { if (!conf.bPublicComs) Link.SendMessage(conf.colHigh$"*** "$conf.colHead$"Public Commands have been enabled."); conf.bPublicComs = !conf.bPublicComs; conf.SaveConfig(); if (!conf.bPublicComs) Link.SendMessage(conf.colHigh$"*** "$conf.colHead$"Public Commands have been disabled."); Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); } else if(Left(CommandString, 4) ~= "SET ") { CommandString=Mid(CommandString, 4); ValueString=SepRight(CommandString); switch(SepLeft(Caps(CommandString))$" ") { case "ADMINPASSWORD ": conf.AdminPassword = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "SERVERADDR ": conf.ServerAddr = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "SERVERPORT ": conf.ServerPort = int(ValueString); Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "ANTIFLOODDELAY ": conf.AntiFloodDelay = float(ValueString); Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "CHANNEL ": conf.Channel = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "NICKNAME ": conf.Nickname = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "NICKNAME2 ": conf.Nickname2 = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "USERNAME ": conf.Username = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "USERNAME2 ": conf.Username2 = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "PASSWORD ": conf.Password = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "PASSWORD2 ": conf.Password2 = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "AUTHNAME ": conf.AuthName = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "AUTHPASSWORD ": conf.AuthPassword = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "PERFORM1 ": conf.Perform1 = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "PERFORM2 ": conf.Perform2 = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "PERFORM3 ": conf.Perform3 = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "BUSELOGIN ": if(ValueString == "True") conf.bUseLogin = True; else if(ValueString == "False" || ValueString=="") conf.bUseLogin = False; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "BUSEAUTH ": if(ValueString == "True") conf.bUseAuth = True; else if(ValueString == "False" || ValueString=="") conf.bUseAuth = False; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "BSECONDARYLINK ": if(ValueString == "True") conf.bSecondaryLink = True; else if(ValueString == "False" || ValueString=="") conf.bSecondaryLink = False; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "TEAMRED ": conf.TeamRed = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "TEAMBLUE ": conf.TeamBlue = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "TEAMGREEN ": conf.TeamGreen = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "TEAMGOLD ": conf.TeamGold = ValueString; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "BEXTRA1ON1STATS ": if(ValueString == "True") conf.bExtra1on1Stats = True; else if(ValueString == "False" || ValueString=="") conf.bExtra1on1Stats = False; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; case "BPUBLICSAY ": if(ValueString == "True") conf.bPublicSay = True; else if(ValueString == "False" || ValueString=="") conf.bPublicSay = False; Sender.ClientMessage("Applied."); break; } conf.SaveConfig(); } else if(Left(CommandString, 4) ~= "GET ") { CommandString=Mid(CommandString, 4); switch(Caps(CommandString)) { case "ADMINPASSWORD": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.AdminPassword); break; case "SERVERADDR": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.ServerAddr); break; case "SERVERPORT": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.ServerPort); break; case "ANTIFLOODDELAY": Sender.ClientMessage(string(conf.AntiFloodDelay)); break; case "CHANNEL": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Channel); break; case "NICKNAME": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Nickname); break; case "NICKNAME2": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Nickname2); break; case "USERNAME": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Username); break; case "USERNAME2": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Username2); break; case "PASSWORD": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Password); break; case "PASSWORD2": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Password2); break; case "AUTHNAME": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.AuthName); break; case "AUTHPASSWORD": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.AuthPassword); break; case "PERFORM1": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Perform1); break; case "PERFORM2": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Perform2); break; case "PERFORM3": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.Perform3); break; case "BUSELOGIN": Sender.ClientMessage(string(conf.bUseLogin)); break; case "BUSEAUTH": Sender.ClientMessage(string(conf.bUseAuth)); break; case "BSECONDARYLINK": Sender.ClientMessage(string(conf.bSecondaryLink)); break; case "TEAMRED": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.TeamRed); break; case "TEAMBLUE": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.TeamBlue); break; case "TEAMGREEN": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.TeamGreen); break; case "TEAMGOLD": Sender.ClientMessage(conf.TeamGold); break; case "BEXTRA1ON1STATS": Sender.ClientMessage(string(conf.bExtra1on1Stats)); break; case "BPUBLICSAY": Sender.ClientMessage(string(conf.bPublicSay)); break; } } } } } function string SepLeft(string Str) { local int StrLenght; local int StrTemp; StrLenght=Len(Str); for(StrTemp=1;StrTemp rejoin chan :) if (Command == "KICK") { if (ParseDelimited(Line, " ", 4) == ReporterNick) { // Rejoin the Channel JoinChannel(conf.Channel); } } } Begin: Log ("MvReporter2: Secondary Link - Joining Channel: "$conf.Channel); SendBufferedData("JOIN "$conf.Channel$CRLF); // Let's see if we have to auth on Q :) if (conf.bUseAuth) SendBufferedData("PRIVMSG Q@cserve.quakenet.org :AUTH "$conf.AuthName$" "$conf.AuthPassword$CRLF); Log("MvReporter2: Secondary Link - Successfully logged in to IRC Network!"); // Execute perform commands - if any if (conf.Perform1 != "") SendBufferedData(conf.Perform1$LF); if (conf.Perform2 != "") SendBufferedData(conf.Perform2$LF); if (conf.Perform3 != "") SendBufferedData(conf.Perform3$LF); // Go into mode "intialized" in 5 seconds iTimerType = 2; SetTimer(5, FALSE); } // FUNCTION: PostBeginPlay function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); Disable('Tick'); } // FUNCTION: Tick function Tick(float DeltaTime) { local string Line; DoBufferQueueIO(); if(ReadBufferedLine(Line)) ProcessInput(Line); } // FUNCTION ProccessInput / Standard Processing Function function ProcessInput(string Line) { if (conf.bDebug) Log("MvReporter2 Debug: Secondary Link - "$Line); if(Left(Line, 5) == "PING ") SendBufferedData("PONG "$Mid(Line, 5)$CRLF); } // TIMER EVENT event Timer() { if (iTimerType == 10) { if (conf.bUseLogin) SendText("PASS "$conf.Password2$LF); Log ("MvReporter2: Secondary Link - Sent PASS"); iTimerType = 11; SetTimer(1, false); } else if (iTimerType == 11) { SendText("USER "$UserIdent$" 0 * :"$FullName$LF); Log ("MvReporter2: Secondary Link - Sent USER"); iTimerType = 12; SetTimer(1, false); } else if (iTimerType == 12) { SendText("NICK "$conf.NickName2$LF); Log ("MvReporter2: Secondary Link - Sent NICK"); } // Initialize! if (iTimerType == 2) { bIsConnected = TRUE; } // Reconnect if (iTimerType == 1) { Connect(Controller, conf); } // If Banned -> reconnect to chan if (iTimerType == 474) { iTimerType = 0; if (bIsConnected) JoinChannel(conf.Channel); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// IRC COMMANDS //////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Join a Channel function JoinChannel(string Channel) { if (bIsConnected) if(Left(Channel, 1) == "#") SendBufferedData("JOIN "$Channel$CRLF); } // Quit from IRC function SendQuit(string msg) { if (bIsConnected) SendBufferedData("QUIT :"$msg$CRLF); } function RelaunchReporter(string msg) { Disconnect(); iTimerType = 1; // Set Type = reconnect SetTimer(5, FALSE); // Engage r3c0nn3ct Timer in 5 seconds } CG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // // IRC Link Class (MvReporter2.MvReporterIRCLink) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inherit Class! class MvReporterIRCLink expands UBrowserBufferedTCPLink; // Variable Declarations var bool bIsConnected; var IpAddr ServerIpAddr; var string UserIdent, ReporterNick; var int NickCounter; var int iTimerType; var bool SwitchLink; var localized string FullName; var MvReporter Controller; var MvReporterConfig conf; var MvReporterIRCLink2 Link2; var MvReporterSpectator Spec; // Anti Flood Stuff var float iFloodCount, iFloodCurrent, AntiFloodDelay; var string sQueue[32]; // Buffer var int ifHead, ifFoot, ifCount; var float GameSpeed; // Correcting the AntiFloodDelay var bool bUTGLEnabled; // FUNCTION: Connect / Startup (INIT) function Connect(MvReporter InController, MvReporterConfig InConfig) { local int i; // Get the Variables passed from the Controller Controller = InController; conf = InConfig; bIsConnected = FALSE; // Set Nickname ReporterNick = conf.NickName; FullName = Controller.sVersion$" (Build "$Controller.sBuild$")"; // Set User IdentD ResetBuffer(); ResetQueue(); if (conf.bUseLogin) { UserIdent = conf.UserName; } else { UserIdent = "mvr"; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) UserIdent = UserIdent $ Chr((Rand(10) + 48)); } Log("MvReporter2: Created new UserIdent: "$UserIdent); ServerIpAddr.Port = conf.ServerPort; Resolve(conf.ServerAddr); } function Disconnect() { SendQuit("Reporter quit!"); bIsConnected = FALSE; Close(); } // FUNCTION (EVENT): Resolved / Resolved IP Address function Resolved(IpAddr Addr) { // Store the resolved Addr ServerIpAddr.Addr = Addr.Addr; if(BindPort() == 0) { Log("MvReporter2: Failed to resolve IRC server port!"); return; } Log("MvReporter2: Successfully resolved Server IP Address..."); // Open Link Open(ServerIpAddr); } function ResolveFailed() { Log("MvReporter2: Failed to resolve IRC server!"); } // EVENT: Opened / IRC Link Opened event Opened() { Log("MvReporter2: Link to IRC Server opened..."); Enable('Tick'); GotoState('LoggingIn'); } // CLOSED !!? :( event Closed() { Log("MvReporter2: Lost connection to server"); } // STATE: LoggingIn / Logging In to Server state LoggingIn { function ProcessInput(string Line) { local string msg, Temp; msg = ParseDelimited(Line, " ", 2); if(Left(Line, 5) == "PING ") SendBufferedData("PONG "$Mid(Line, 5)$CRLF); // IF an error occured if(ParseDelimited(Line, " ", 1) == "ERROR") Log("MvReporter2: "$ParseDelimited(Line, ":", 2, True)); // Already in use issue if(msg == "433") { ReporterNick = conf.NickName$string(NickCounter); SendBufferedData("NICK "$ReporterNick$CRLF); NickCounter++; return; } // Register First Issue! if (msg == "451") { if(conf.bDebug) Log("MvReporter2 Debug: sending USER and NICK"); SendBufferedData("NICK "$ReporterNick$LF); SendBufferedData("USER "$UserIdent$" 0 * :"$FullName$LF); return; } if(msg == "NICK") { Temp = ParseDelimited(Line, "~@", 2); if (Temp ~= UserIdent) { Temp = ParseDelimited(Line, ":", 3, True); ReporterNick = Temp; } } // Proceed to next section if(Int(msg) != 0) { Log("MvReporter2: Switching state to 'LoggedIn'"); GotoState('LoggedIn'); } Global.ProcessInput(Line); } Begin: if (conf.bUseLogin) SendText("PASS "$conf.Password$LF); SendText("USER "$UserIdent$" 0 * :"$FullName$LF); SendText("NICK "$conf.NickName$LF); } // STATE: LoggedIn / Logged In to Server state LoggedIn { function ProcessInput(string Line) { local string Command, OrigNick, DestNick, NickFlags, OrigNickAddr, DisconnectMsg; DisconnectMsg = "ERROR :Closing Link"; Global.ProcessInput(Line); // Get Infos about the Message from Server Command = ParseDelimited(Line, " ", 2); OrigNick = ParseDelimited(Line, ":!", 2); OrigNickAddr = ParseDelimited(Line, "! ", 2); // Check for Disconnect Message if ((Left(Line, Len(DisconnectMsg)) ~= DisconnectMsg)) { Log("MvReporter2: "$ParseDelimited(Line, ":", 2, True)); bIsConnected = FALSE; iTimerType = 1; // Set Type = reconnect SetTimer(15, FALSE); // Engage r3c0nn3ct Timer in 15 seconds } // IF an error occured if(ParseDelimited(Line, " ", 1) == "ERROR") Log("MvReporter2: "$ParseDelimited(Line, ":", 2, True)); // Join Channels after /MOTD // if (Command == "376") // Nick already in USE! if(Command == "433") { ReporterNick = conf.NickName$string(NickCounter); SendBufferedData("NICK "$ReporterNick$CRLF); NickCounter++; return; } // Banned if (Command == "474") { // Set anti-ban timer! iTimerType = 474; SetTimer(10, FALSE); } // KICK command -> rejoin chan :) if (Command == "KICK") { if (ParseDelimited(Line, " ", 4) == ReporterNick) { // Rejoin the Channel JoinChannel(conf.Channel); } } // Handle Messages (Private and/or Public) if (Command == "PRIVMSG") { // Get User Flags and User's Nick DestNick = ParseDelimited(Line, " ", 3); while(DestNick != "" && InStr(":@+", Left(DestNick, 1)) != -1) { DestNick = Mid(DestNick, 1); log(NickFlags); NickFlags = NickFlags$Left(DestNick,1); } ProcessPrivMsg(OrigNick, NickFlags, DestNick, Line); } } Begin: if(Spec.ServerMutate("getglstatus")=="True") bUTGLEnabled=True; Log ("MvReporter2: Joining Channel: "$conf.Channel); SendBufferedData("JOIN "$conf.Channel$CRLF); // Let's see if we have to auth on Q :) if (conf.bUseAuth) SendBufferedData("PRIVMSG Q@cserve.quakenet.org :AUTH "$conf.AuthName$" "$conf.AuthPassword$CRLF); Log("MvReporter2: Successfully logged in to IRC Network!"); // Execute perform commands - if any if (conf.Perform1 != "") SendBufferedData(conf.Perform1$LF); if (conf.Perform2 != "") SendBufferedData(conf.Perform2$LF); if (conf.Perform3 != "") SendBufferedData(conf.Perform3$LF); // Go into mode "intialized" in 5 seconds iTimerType = 2; SetTimer(5, FALSE); } // FUNCTION: PostBeginPlay function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); Disable('Tick'); } // FUNCTION: Tick function Tick(float DeltaTime) { local string Line; // Anti Flood Stuff iFloodCurrent += (DeltaTime * (1/GameSpeed)); if (iFloodCurrent > AntiFloodDelay) { iFloodCurrent = 0; GameSpeed = DeathMatchPlus(Level.Game).GameSpeed; //For live AntiFloodDelay value changes :P if(conf.bSecondaryLink) AntiFloodDelay = conf.AntiFloodDelay/2; else AntiFloodDelay = conf.AntiFloodDelay; SendLine(); } DoBufferQueueIO(); if(ReadBufferedLine(Line)) ProcessInput(Line); } // FUNCTION ProccessInput / Standard Processing Function function ProcessInput(string Line) { if (conf.bDebug) Log("MvReporter2 Debug: "$Line); if(Left(Line, 5) == "PING ") SendBufferedData("PONG "$Mid(Line, 5)$CRLF); } // TIMER EVENT event Timer() { if (iTimerType == 10) { if (conf.bUseLogin) SendText("PASS "$conf.Password$LF); Log ("MvReporter2: Sent PASS"); iTimerType = 11; SetTimer(1, false); } else if (iTimerType == 11) { SendText("USER "$UserIdent$" 0 * :"$FullName$LF); Log ("MvReporter2: Sent USER"); iTimerType = 12; SetTimer(1, false); } else if (iTimerType == 12) { SendText("NICK "$conf.NickName$LF); Log ("MvReporter2: Sent NICK"); } // Initialize! if (iTimerType == 2) { bIsConnected = TRUE; } // Reconnect if (iTimerType == 1) { Connect(Controller, conf); } // If Banned -> reconnect to chan if (iTimerType == 474) { iTimerType = 0; if (bIsConnected) JoinChannel(conf.Channel); } } // Process any Private Messages and do the propriet stuff function ProcessPrivMsg(string sOrigNick, string sNickFlags, string sDestNick, string sLine) { local string sParams[4], IP; local Pawn P; local int iFound, j; sParams[0] = ChopLeft(ParseDelimited(sLine, " ", 4, FALSE)); // Channel Events if (sDestNick ~= ReporterNick) { sParams[1] = ChopLeft(ParseDelimited(sLine, " ", 5, FALSE)); sParams[2] = ChopLeft(ParseDelimited(sLine, " ", 6, TRUE)); // Send a Message to the Server! if ((sParams[0] ~= "say") || (sParams[0] ~= "msg")) if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) BroadCastMessage(sOrigNick$" (IRC): "$sParams[2]); // Handle mutate commands if(sParams[0] ~= "mutate") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { Spec.ServerMutate(sParams[2]); } // Set Red Team Name if (sParams[0] ~= "teamred") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { conf.teamRed = sParams[2]; conf.SaveConfig(); Controller.LoadTeamNames(); SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Changed Team Name of 'red' to '"$sParams[2]$"'!"); } // Set Blue Team Name if (sParams[0] ~= "teamblue") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { conf.teamBlue = sParams[2]; conf.SaveConfig(); Controller.LoadTeamNames(); SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Changed Team Name of 'blue' to '"$sParams[2]$"'!"); } // Set Green Team Name if (sParams[0] ~= "teamgreen") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { conf.teamGreen = sParams[2]; conf.SaveConfig(); Controller.LoadTeamNames(); SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Changed Team Name of 'green' to '"$sParams[2]$"'!"); } // Set Gold Team Name if (sParams[0] ~= "teamgold") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { conf.teamGold = sParams[2]; conf.SaveConfig(); Controller.LoadTeamNames(); SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Changed Team Name of 'gold' to '"$sParams[2]$"'!"); } // Set Gold Team Name if (sParams[0] ~= "teamsreset") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { conf.teamRed = "Red Team"; conf.teamBlue = "Blue Team"; conf.teamGreen = "Green Team"; conf.teamGold = "Gold Team"; conf.SaveConfig(); Controller.LoadTeamNames(); SendNotice(sOrigNick, "All Team Names have been reset to standard values!"); } // Mute Reporter if (sParams[0] ~= "mute") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { if (!conf.bMuted) self.SendMessage(conf.colHigh$"*** "$conf.colHead$"Output has been muted by "$sOrigNick); conf.bMuted = !conf.bMuted; conf.SaveConfig(); if (!conf.bMuted) self.SendMessage(conf.colHigh$"*** "$conf.colHead$"Output has been un-muted by "$sOrigNick); } // Enable / Disable Public Commands if (sParams[0] ~= "pubcoms") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { if (!conf.bPublicComs) self.SendMessage(conf.colHigh$"*** "$conf.colHead$"Public Commands have been enabled by "$sOrigNick); conf.bPublicComs = !conf.bPublicComs; conf.SaveConfig(); if (!conf.bPublicComs) self.SendMessage(conf.colHigh$"*** "$conf.colHead$"Public Commands have been disabled by "$sOrigNick); } // Change Reporter's NickName if (sParams[0] ~= "nick") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Changing Reporter's Nick to: "$sParams[2]); conf.NickName = sParams[2]; conf.SaveConfig(); SendBufferedData("NICK "$sParams[2]$CRLF); } // Change Reporter's Channel if (sParams[0] ~= "channel") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Switching Channel to: "$sParams[2]); JoinChannel(sParams[2]); Link2.JoinChannel(sParams[2]); SendBufferedData("PART "$conf.Channel$CRLF); conf.Channel = sParams[2]; conf.SaveConfig(); } // Change Reporter's Channel if (sParams[0] ~= "server") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Switching IRC-Server to: "$sParams[2]); conf.ServerAddr = sParams[2]; conf.SaveConfig(); RelaunchReporter("Changing IRC-Server to "$sParams[2]); Link2.RelaunchReporter(""); } if (sParams[0] ~= "pwd") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { sParams[2] = ChopLeft(ParseDelimited(sLine, " ", 6, FALSE)); SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Changing Admin Password to: "$sParams[2]); conf.AdminPassword = sParams[2]; conf.SaveConfig(); } // Get OP across the bot! if (sParams[0] ~= "op") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { SendBufferedData("MODE "$conf.Channel$" +o :"$sOrigNick$CRLF); SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Oped you on "$conf.Channel$"..."); } // Get VOICE across the bot! if (sParams[0] ~= "voice") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { SendBufferedData("MODE "$conf.Channel$" +v :"$sOrigNick$CRLF); SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Voiced you on "$conf.Channel$"..."); } // Servertravel if (sParams[0] ~= "servertravel") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Travelling to: "$sParams[2]); BroadcastMessage("*** "$sOrigNick$" switches map to "$sParams[2]$" from IRC"); ConsoleCommand("servertravel "$sParams[2]); } // Kick Player!! if (sParams[0] ~= "kick" || sParams[0] ~= "kickban") if (CheckPassword(sParams[1], sOrigNick)) { // Now this is some complicated stuff here.... iFound = 0; for (P = Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn) { if(PlayerPawn(P) != none && P.PlayerReplicationInfo != none && NetConnection(PlayerPawn(P).Player) != none) { if (sParams[2] ~= P.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName) { if (sParams[0] ~= "kickban") { // do Banning stuff here IP = PlayerPawn(P).GetPlayerNetworkAddress(); if(Level.Game.CheckIPPolicy(IP)) { IP = Left(IP, InStr(IP, ":")); Log("Adding IP Ban for: "$IP); for(j=0;j<50;j++) if(Level.Game.IPPolicies[j] == "") break; if(j < 50) Level.Game.IPPolicies[j] = "DENY,"$IP; Level.Game.SaveConfig(); SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Banning IP: "$IP); } // END OF BANNINGCODE } // END if KICKBAN SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Kicking player: "$sParams[2]); P.Destroy(); iFound = 1; } } } if (iFound == 0) SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Sorry, couldn't find "$sParams[2]$" on server!"); } } if ((sDestNick ~= conf.Channel) && (!conf.bMuted) && (conf.bPublicComs)) { sParams[1] = ChopLeft(ParseDelimited(sLine, " ", 5, TRUE)); // Query Map Information switch(sParams[0]) { case "!map": Controller.Spectator.Stats.QueryMap(sOrigNick); break; case "!gameinfo": Controller.Spectator.Stats.QueryInfo(sOrigNick); break; case "!specs": case "!spectators": Controller.Spectator.Stats.QuerySpecs(sOrigNick); break; case "!players": Controller.Spectator.Stats.QueryPlayers(sOrigNick); break; case "!say": if(conf.bPublicSay) BroadCastMessage(sOrigNick$" (IRC): "$sParams[1]); else SendNotice(sOrigNick, "Sorry, this function is disabled on this server."); break; } } } // Remove any occurences of ": " on the left side of a string and return the clear string! function string ChopLeft(string Text) { while(Text != "" && InStr(": ", Left(Text, 1)) != -1) Text = Mid(Text, 1); return Text; } // Check the Admin Password!! function bool CheckPassword(string sTestPwd, string sNick) { if (sTestPwd == conf.AdminPassword) return TRUE; else { SendNotice(sNick, "*** Error: Wrong password provided."); return FALSE; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// IRC COMMANDS //////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Join a Channel function JoinChannel(string Channel) { if (bIsConnected) if(Left(Channel, 1) == "#") SendBufferedData("JOIN "$Channel$CRLF); } // Send a Message function SendMessage(string msg) { if ((conf.bMuted == FALSE) && (bIsConnected)) { AddLine("PRIVMSG "$conf.Channel$" :"$msg$CRLF); } } // Send a Notice function SendNotice(string nick, string msg) { if (bIsConnected) AddLine("NOTICE "$nick$" :"$msg$CRLF); } // Quit from IRC function SendQuit(string msg) { if (bIsConnected) SendBufferedData("QUIT :"$msg$CRLF); } function RelaunchReporter(string msg) { Disconnect(); iTimerType = 1; // Set Type = reconnect SetTimer(5, FALSE); // Engage r3c0nn3ct Timer in 5 seconds } /////////////////////////////////////////////// function AddLine(string S) { local int ilHead; ilHead = (ifHead + 1) % 32; if (ilHead != ifFoot) { sQueue[ifHead] = S; ifHead = ilHead; ifCount = Min(ifCount + 1, 32); } } function SendLine() { if (ifCount == 0) return; if(!SwitchLink || !conf.bSecondaryLink) { SendBufferedData(sQueue[ifFoot]); SwitchLink=True; } else { Link2.SendBufferedData(sQueue[ifFoot]); SwitchLink=False; } ifFoot = (ifFoot + 1) % 32; ifCount = Max(ifCount - 1, 0); } function ResetQueue() { ifHead = 0; ifFoot = 0; ifCount = 0; } C}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MvReporterImageServer expands ImageServer; event Query(WebRequest Request, WebResponse Response) { local string AdminUsername, AdminPassword, AdminRealm; Super.Query(Request, Response); } C r cD 87zэ ` CCC////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // // Config Class (MvReporter2.MvReporterConfig) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inherit class MvReporterConfig expands Actor; var string sTeams[4]; // Variables to store config info var globalconfig bool bEnabled; var globalconfig bool bDebug; var globalconfig bool bMuted; var globalconfig bool bPublicComs; var globalconfig bool bAdvertise; var globalconfig string ServerAddr; var globalconfig int ServerPort; var globalconfig string Channel; var globalconfig string NickName; var globalconfig bool bUseLogin; var globalconfig string UserName; var globalconfig string Password; var globalconfig bool bUseAuth; var globalconfig string AuthName; var globalconfig string AuthPassword; var globalconfig string Perform1; var globalconfig string Perform2; var globalconfig string Perform3; var globalconfig string AdminPassword; var globalconfig float AntiFloodDelay; var globalconfig bool bSecondaryLink; var globalconfig string NickName2; var globalconfig string UserName2; var globalconfig string Password2; var globalconfig bool bExtra1on1Stats; var globalconfig bool bPublicSay; var globalconfig string teamRed; var globalconfig string teamBlue; var globalconfig string teamGreen; var globalconfig string teamGold; var globalconfig string colGen; var globalconfig string colTime; var globalconfig string colHead; var globalconfig string colBody; var globalconfig string colRed; var globalconfig string colBlue; var globalconfig string colGreen; var globalconfig string colGold; var globalconfig string colHigh; CK3////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unreal Tournament Server Side Reporter // -------------------------------------- // // Programmed by [Mv]DarkViper // - Enhanced by Rush (rush@u.one.pl) // // Copyright Thomas Pajor, 2001 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inherit from Actor class MvReporter expands Actor; // Declare some Variable stuff var bool bInitialized; var string sVersion, sBuild; var MvReporterConfig conf; var MvReporterIRCLink IRCLink; var MvReporterIRCLink2 IRCLink2; var MvReporterSpectator Spectator; var MvReporterMutator Mut; var GameReplicationInfo GRI; // Event: PreBeginPlay event PreBeginPlay() { // Check if we're alread initialized if (bInitialized) return; bInitialized = TRUE; // Load Configuration conf = Spawn(class'MvReporter2.MvReporterConfig'); // Load Team Names LoadTeamNames(); // Check IRC Colors! CheckIRCColors(); // Start Reporter Engine // Save our Config conf.SaveConfig(); Log("[Mv] Mavericks IRC Reporter v"$sVersion$" loading..."); // Start IRC Link / Spectator, etc InitReporter(); } // FUNCTION: Enabled / Enable/Disable Reporter function InitReporter() { local Mutator M; // Start IRC Link if (IRCLink == none) IRCLink = Spawn(class'MvReporter2.MvReporterIRCLink'); if (IRCLink2 == none && conf.bSecondaryLink) IRCLink2 = Spawn(class'MvReporter2.MvReporterIRCLink2'); if (IRCLink == none || (IRCLink2 == none && conf.bSecondaryLink)) { Log("MvReporter2: Error Spawning IRC Link Class!"); return; } if (conf.bEnabled) { Log("MvReporter2: Starting Connection Process..."); IRCLink.Connect(self, conf); if(conf.bSecondaryLink) IRCLink2.Connect(self, conf); } if (Spectator == None) Spectator = Level.Spawn(class'MvReporter2.MvReporterSpectator'); Level.Game.BaseMutator.AddMutator(Level.Game.Spawn(class'MvReporterMutator')); M = Level.Game.BaseMutator; While (M.NextMutator != None) { if (InStr(string(M.Class),"MvReporterMutator") != -1) break; else M = M.NextMutator; } Mut = MvReporterMutator(M); Mut.Controller = self; Mut.conf = conf; Mut.Link = IRCLink; Mut.Link2 = IRCLink2; Spectator.Engage(Self, IRCLink, IRCLink2); } // FUNCTION: Load the Team Names function LoadTeamNames() { conf.sTeams[0] = conf.teamRed; conf.sTeams[1] = conf.teamBlue; conf.sTeams[2] = conf.teamGreen; conf.sTeams[3] = conf.teamGold; } function CheckIRCColors() { if (Asc(conf.colGen) != 3) conf.colGen = "."$conf.colGen; if (Asc(conf.colHead) != 3) conf.colHead = "."$conf.colHead; if (Asc(conf.colBody) != 3) conf.colBody = "."$conf.colBody; if (Asc(conf.colTime) != 3) conf.colTime = "."$conf.colTime; if (Asc(conf.colHigh) != 3) conf.colHigh = "."$conf.colHigh; if (Asc(conf.colRed) != 3) conf.colRed = "."$conf.colRed; if (Asc(conf.colBlue) != 3) conf.colBlue = "."$conf.colBlue; if (Asc(conf.colGreen) != 3) conf.colGreen = "."$conf.colGreen; if (Asc(conf.colGold) != 3) conf.colGold = "."$conf.colGold; conf.SaveConfig(); } C@C K K Jg K` KD Jx JQ Je J} JG JZ J~ J@ Jr }o J] xv Zy Ji Jx Kp Jf Zw K^ JN J JJ Jl ~w AK JP Jd }v xL xM }k Jm Kg }k @z Jn JN JO @y JE JF @| Z{ I J| Zz J~ A@ ~w @R ml JA }g }i }[ J{ JT JA JH xf Ji ] @V Jx @W {J Jj @S }\ x@ }B xI JE J| J^ @_ ZQ Jz J_ A Jk ~S JD Z' J\ xI Zj xZ Zc AK Zd Ze } J` Z }t {P Zb Jg Z_ @{ @f J| @~ @T Jj xV ZN xU xn Zp Zo Z> Z_ Zm Z7 }^ E ~} [ j ~w ZP }c JQ }k x` xt }c @@ Z @adRNn$O`tOot|~tbYLuOeOu$kDTdTRceM rb{O O^T`m$X|vLdZei xwOG~WvfP[u[DaSS[fuuyEk[U[dFs[BkPq_\bn&BP]F`qf_[[t}Oa^Jmh|$uJBXyhdx~G}vUYd}ut$sCMRK`MoM~BM>Y\~l>a|XKu[Jk>MzHH>~WeOhTowXGzUsevs$qCvRuauqLAIQ.w`_oOwNE]$PlI{ yJuZGjpySHW@eGtHyCCSBbyqTWAwPO_yanH~\pMG\gOkFzwI\~Wp%hAv_XMENRe[atpo\wN\a]\Mmy|vLyZIiPyxLHyX&dhPox[G iVkyfkLvxF&XU__eaDYT.[dks>_AQya.ypiLMNq]^lmhYVh}wWEHLTyd6qsipBuQTo`kpn$hH|nDQSQRcRsyApPv^rnrOMC\ukHyGH\YWpgyuzEuTEc ttIB#qQ M`9Xo l$`Pf^9ylX|e}KdZDi$rx9UGyFV9Te$tRCFRLZcTcru@JOgX^`m\_|tLpZ]h\v\E]TQb@q}@pOO]pkhyQhGQVneJtVzB^P~^Omp{]IKX\g\vVaE]UV~c9ptkCpRd`Zo9Y~uML\ujuyuHuX#rgLv9WD9VS)hb.QpZMU]k]lk\zPpI\vWgmfP\tP]C\uQl`e\om~HpL sZ YiqpkxYcdrOAhO^^_la{KJpXjf#wvKE#mU/nc.hq._@@Oc^emHj{TeKVOZe^h\Qv$E\wUxpdTrRA{yPP_NoK~uNt]Bl`{nJCYQQhHwGFIUHdrrkAiyPs`yGoF}yYLG\DkCyHHFW&fzuBD~S|aEpzXN{]RkD{CJVMYMhsqwRhNxBFAU@ds~AxP}_|n{}vLz[wjyxpGxUid#Hsh{&@J)X+g:vOESSscUrsBHQuaAp+swN+t] Cksz LJ.SX`h$2ZwdQS`upq~AkMVY[V_k|{hJTbY^Oh@v`EkT!GbeZiwxlG{VJe&sIYJhQvAEKT~cMtvC'aS_tvDsTpdRs}CruRrvb$3rxBPxY`n_p\zKN_]Yle]|^SKbZh;NE$SaqQ@<`PIpsWhOZ,R]aoPnMANJg]$.l>zJpeYM~JhM~\?Xmb{$=Io9%ghLAZbiaxuGuV;Je;XtHB4XR.J`Hj$4zbX,f/uvnE$,TurAABPY`LpD@pWd PXtzC_ReaCpc@bOZ^$5m]KXZAp]hBE$9U$sFQ'}WLTBdHp9k f(9QSJpY3hQ'[.B\pX[M7l:\`HJWEba{C-XRip#Q jw{V\ r*XNeZfde@c^eHdC {ggvhEbNT>r bN!]TORqrp;nCbqWwV gdAKlZA hSp.NiWwVFUUTdRsRB"jQF{#{JNY6,hBJTz,}^,{[]'l iTplU{AmaP8Zq.pK2XZ.h V(8e m~] Jr[ oM 1T|i(#}P<{MD[v(<M_ulVV{[QAlE{J{@pNb]>gk>hzN!]HOreQpW afL{GQU gfHMMl]B kj5Pmu}TaLCe/['G@qGU4~x{vADbS~aVW rMI`XQ'xa_b{oZ9}\gv\hEf[T-aohDP*XTeIldTuO`IcMi$VvbnL8zYr_B_)QRzyMJriYrthrhwDE/XIj"aXlCFo_h~sfYvLjEvo{M@NvNI^YTm{A&CPQS[gb$_Ihh{P\]^v{K]Q[vl{|U]Jvg$_wRIV&N7_lV{B$aPf3mq{^&p:mPZ g$SoAbpA~{M&o8\hTbbAq&N@G=jNGx2:HhBhP&IR ^hpr4Z~Tq-X pr4hI r4fNq pU{ W Kf R r4Bx r4Xgz9Rr4@KpY~K(r4aINw j$r4d;a&r4cKEr4Ohr4Qwr4wHr4Tr4I Sc]\r4Oy r4W3Hh_