Áƒ*žE)@l “ š4Rï÷Dĥêv;^ …)NoneBot ScoreKillCamperDMEnhanced PlayerPawn GetItemNameCoreEngineSystem PreBeginPlayObject TextBufferPackageClass UnrealShareObjectPropertyPawnActorLevelPlayerReplicationInfoFloatProperty LevelInfoMutator FunctionScoreGame NextMutatorBotpack TeamGamePlus ScriptText BoolPropertyClassPropertyTeamOther bIsCrouchingKiller BytePropertyTeams TeamInfo GameInfoTeamDeathMatchGame€‚€‚f1 ‚‚‚‚w w*.‰-š(„a/!a/!(„a/!a/!ıŠ–€? -ı:Š™.ˆ“›€?/w’*’ • †L<zV“—TeamGamePlus-'D-(• v//============================================================================= // CamperDMEnhanced, coded by :[lol]Mhor and idea from Csimbi, is a // CamperDMEnhanced. modified version of DMEnhanced by Mike Angus, which is a modified version of DMPlus by Wizard. // If a player is crouching while killed, he/she will only gain a death. // If a player is standing, running or basically anything other than crouching while killed, // he/she will gain a death AND lose a frag. what can I say.. CROUCH like a good little camper :P //============================================================================= class CamperDMEnhanced expands Mutator; var bool TeamDeathMatchGame; function PreBeginPlay() { if(GetItemName(string(Level.Game.Class)) == "TeamGamePlus") TeamDeathMatchGame = true; else TeamDeathMatchGame = false; super.PreBeginPlay(); } function ScoreKill(pawn Killer, pawn Other) { super.ScoreKill(Killer, Other); if(Other != Killer && Killer!=None && !PlayerPawn(Other).bIsCrouching && (Other.IsA('PlayerPawn') || Other.IsA('Bot')) && (Killer.IsA('PlayerPawn') || Killer.IsA('Bot'))) { Other.PlayerReplicationInfo.Score -= 1.0; if(TeamDeathMatchGame) { // if(TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[Other.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team].Score > 0.0) TeamGamePlus(Level.Game).Teams[Other.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team].Score -= 1.0; } } if(NextMutator != none) NextMutator.ScoreKill(Killer, Other); } ƒ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙„&gƒ=$:e‰> £Y‚žtÈ‚žtÈ‚žtÈ‚žtÈ‚žtÈ…{#Uż†Ž”ˆ}"›#‚žtÈ…{#UżŽôŞŞ‘ƒ=$:e†Ž”žİÙĞ”  ˙˙˙˙ ˙˙˙˙  ˙˙˙˙ ˙˙˙˙  ù˙˙˙ ˙˙˙˙ŝ˙˙˙ ˙˙˙˙ ü˙˙˙ŭ˙˙˙ ï˙˙˙&ġ˙˙˙ ü˙˙˙ ŭ˙˙˙ú˙˙˙ ü˙˙˙ ŭ˙˙˙ û˙˙˙ì˙˙˙  ü˙˙˙$û˙˙˙ ÷˙˙˙"ĝ˙˙˙% ü˙˙˙ ò˙˙˙ ˙˙˙˙' ü˙˙˙ ! \ # i ˜( v ŒdB Œ• Pfœ4Avƒ\w*